Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

DS denied in computer engineering. We don’t mind the denial given the amazing stats and accomplishments of those who got in. But I have to say it sucked that they waited so long to send out the rejections.
I’m glad my son can now just move on to enjoy his excitement about attending Santa Clara!


Ok so she just got a rejection. Again, gotta focus on the bigger picture. There’s a reason for all of this.


looks like the last waves are all rejections. I have yet to see an admission post. Rumor is true then when it comes to last waves. These AOs are cold-blooded trolls.


Denied for Art and Design after Portfolio. Now deciding between Virginia Tech and Colorado College. Best of luck next year everyone!


So the algorithm excludes at the top and at the bottom.


My D went to Chico and loved it! Great college town. Gorgeous campus. Never had trouble getting her classes.


No–alternate major was history. Portal just says You have not been selected for admission to CP

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I’m sorry to hear this.

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The algorithm doesn’t exclude at the top. Points are given for certain factors, gpa, volunteer hours, jobs, local area, first gen college, 5 years advanced math, etc… there’s a score threshold for each major.


The algorithm is somewhat a mystery although much can be determined from the previous MCA information and only admissions knows the current parameters. SLO rejected over 12,000 applicants with 4.0 GPA’s last year. It is an issue of too many qualified applicants and not enough spots. Also as I stated above, it is a numbers games so applicants with outstanding EC’s cannot elaborate about their EC’s on the CSU application. There are no essays, so applicants cannot discuss challenges faced, involvement in leadership activities, special talents, volunteer work etc….


Mechanical Engineering



Update: rejected from Cal Poly! But, he had already confirmed his spot at UCSD, ME/Robotics, Sixth college.

Someone asked about stats: 3.93 unweighted/4.4 weighted but his school doesn’t weight honors. TONs of APs, 5s on both CS AP tests, 7 yrs of math (block schedule), and C++ and Java dual enrollment. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Go, Tritons! :trident:


Surprise surprise! My son has NOT been selected for CS. Just got the message in portal. I was thinking this whole thing would be so much easier for my son as he has tons of leadership, challenging classes etc… compared to my daughter who graduated three years from HS. This whole application process has been way worse and he has really prepped himself to get into tough colleges. I guess not good enough. My heart hurts for the all the amazing kids out there who are in the same boat as my son. He will settle for a small school, and I am sure will be fine.


colorado college is amazing!

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He ended up waitlisted yesterday.

Wow your daughter sounds amazing. I’m impressed by all that she’s done! I’m sure she’ll go far in life. The Universe has better plans for her.

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Boulder is beautiful!

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D got rejected today. SDSU here she comes!


I’m pretty stoked for him. He wanted to stay is CA as he was born here and a few of his friends got into SLO. But, now is the time to expand horizons and gain new experiences. Boulder is great for that and the aerospace program seems top notch with their philosophy and facilities…