Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Rejected in-state 3.6/4.2 HS GPA for CS. Headed to UCSC for CS and happy about it! Your kiddo will find their place!


My daughter is also headed to UCSC! She was rejected from CP last night, Poli Sci, in state, 3.92/4.3 (within stated median range in admissions page, and higher than friends admitted in her major last year), checked the work and leadership boxes, tons of AP, plus law-specific electives. What a brutal year for applicants! We know it will all work out for the best :smiling_face:


My in-state D also finally received her rejection. No hard feelings as she has other great options to choose from. In the long run, what you do and how you utilize the next 4 years matters more than which college you go to. Good luck to everyone!
Adios Cal Poly SLOW!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Looks like updated Fall 2022 stats are posted now

Overall admission rate across all colleges was <30%


For those counting:

2022-2023 FTF apps: 58,935
2021-2022 FTF apps: 54,570

8% increase in FTF apps.


Mine was also rejected in-state for Political Science, 4.0/4.45 with all boxes checked. She’s deciding between UCD and UCSB. Everything will be okay!


Same with mine. In-state; 4.3w; Business

We called the school and were told that you would only be accepted into your alternate major IF there is space after all the kids who chose that major has a first choice were admitted. That is a big IF!

What is the success rate of appeal? My s got rejected and his friend got accepted from CS yesterday. Wondering about appeal? Nothing to lose

Appeals are rarely approved. I do not have appeal stats for SLO but for many of the UC’s, it is usually less than 0.5% approved.

S22 learned yesterday that he is on the waitlist for Computer Science. We were surprised - we thought it would be a rejection because the information came so late. He has a 4.0 UW / 4.72 W UC GPA (not sure what the Cal Poly GPA is). He was accepted to UC Davis and UC San Diego, and he will visit both over the next couple weekends and decide between them. He is happy with these options.


Cal is a fabulous school! Looks to me like she won this lottery!

It’s one sentence, just terrible. Kids put in effort and time into these applications. What a horrible experience! On the same day he got rejected from SLO he got accepted to a small liberal arts school in the East and his acceptance letter quoted his essay. I guess the personal treatment goes a long way!


Agreed! She is thrilled and will be joining her older sister there (who had some equally unexpected acceptances/denials). Just posted to help reinforce how illogical this whole process it can feel. Hard not to take it all personally at 17-18 years old when they feel they’ve done “everything right.”

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Unfortunately it is a matter of demand and supply. I understand your frustration and pain. I had my son go through similar pain 3 years ago - rejected/waitlisted by many UCs but admitted to great schools OOS (probably they read his essays and understood his passion). I am seeing the same with my daughter who has great stats, ECs, awards (waitlisted/rejected by top UCs except for SLO). I sometimes wish i had moved out of CA when i got a great chance 4 years ago. My primary motive for sticking to CA was the UC system. But it completely bombed out for both my kids.


Ugh…I’m a teacher, understand the system. It would just be nice if the folks at Calpoly took the time to actually give applicants the time of day. This is our third child and in a year that has been especially hard he is happy to head to Colorado College for Integrated Design. Good luck to your child-- SLO is a gorgeous town and CalPoly will give her a fantastic education. It’s just too bad their process is so dehumanizing.

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This article talks about appeals

Oops meant to respond to you regarding the article in the San Luis Times on appeals. Not very likely to succeed, but why not, worth a shot if you have other info to provide.