Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Is there 2022 applicant data in Naviance?

Thank you, @Napafolie. If you scroll back on the CPP page, 18-21 days ago there was a wave of acceptances. Since then, nothing. The process is torture. Best of luck to you on all that youā€™re waiting for!

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Here you go!

Cal State


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Whatā€™s FTF? Do tellā€¦ : )

First Time Freshman, as opposed to Transfers.

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There is at the link below based on 2021 data. Select Cal Pol SLO from CSU campus drop down menu, and select your sonā€™s school from the ā€œInstitution of Originsā€ drop down menu. Here is the link: Workbook: Student Origins


If u look on Naviance itā€™s right above the scatter point graph.

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Iā€™ve seen that dashboard before but it doesnā€™t include 2022 data which is what I am trying to understand for my sonā€™s school.

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Yes for our school. Itā€™s above the scatterpoint.

Are you talking about the bar graph that shows # apps, #accepted, #enrolled?
And there is a 2022 bar for your school? Our last bar is 2021, for 2021 graduates.

Yes we have 2022 data and can see how many from your class have applied by school. Can see early acceptances as well.


How are the CalPoly #s captured? None of the CSUs require transripts or LORs to apply. Are students diligently reporting all the schools they are applying to?

Just cancelled our SLO tour for Friday. DS wound up with a bunch of stuff he really wanted to be able to do on Friday at school and, as Iā€™ve mentioned before, Iā€™m now concerned about raising his hopes only to be dashed. Heā€™s excited about CPP and I donā€™t want to get him excited about SLO if itā€™s not going to work out. Iā€™d rather keep him excited about CPP and only add SLO to the decision if that becomes an option.

I tried to look for tour dates in April. All they have available in April is College of Business, so if he gets in, weā€™ll do the Open House weekend on the 8th/9th.

(If anyone wants a campus tour and college of engineering tour, our cancellation for Friday created an opening.)


FWIW, the largest classes on campus, like GEā€™s, are typically held at the College of Business. So, as a freshman, youā€™ll get to know the building well, regardless of college. :slightly_smiling_face:

@mhafez01 Wow. That chart is amazing! Also a little stressful. LOL Looks like approx 60 kids from our h.s. applied to SLO last year. 30-something got in. But only 6 went there. I donā€™t know what that means for us, but it sure is interesting!


I think that is smart. We have only toured schools that my daughter has been accepted to, for that exact reason, no need to get hopes up if they donā€™t get in. If by some miracle she is accepted to Cal Poly and a couple UCā€™s, we will drop everything and get to a tour ASAP. That would be a good problem to have. :slight_smile:


Students enter all their applied schools and itā€™s the only way information gets sent for your apps/end of year transcripts by the school. I guess if someone was only waiting till they are accepted to have a transcript sent and enter it Naviance at the end of school year it could be underreported. Our academic counselors having everything in Naviance early on, you are right there might be a few rebels not enteringā€¦

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I was told only 2 of the 4 UC personal essays are read. They are picked at random. I wonder if this is true.

Once our kids get notification on their applications and if you can swing it, Iā€™d recommend going to the Admitted Students/Open House event in early April. Not sure how it will be in the post-covid era but I really enjoyed it when my son got accepted in 2017 and Iā€™m sure all the housing and lab tours and talking to the students swayed my son to attend. Itā€™s probably the most crowded event Iā€™ve ever seen at SLO but I loved it.


I hope not given you keep hearing thatā€™s what helps you stand out in a perfect stat/no test data world : (

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