Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

You and me both


Still waiting on decisions for two CA students.

Quick question - does anyone know if SLO allows for deferrals if accepted? My daughter is looking at gap year program abroad and doesn’t want to have to reapply next year.

Any idea?

Good luck everyone!

Normally the CSU’s did not allow a student to defer, but the decisions are on a case by case basis so you would need to inquire if she is accepted.

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Cal Poly does not allow freshman to defer. Would need to reapply. @Oak510

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I do know of one applicant that got a deferral request approved during the height of the Covid pandemic and they had extenuating circumstances.


Cal Poly is somewhat random because of the high number of applicants for so few spots. For my daughter, Cal Poly SLO was the only school that we toured where she could see herself attending. She wasn’t an outstanding student and didn’t have high SAT scores, but she was maxed out on working hours and extracurricular hours. She got the email that she got accepted and started crying - not because she was happy but because she got accepted for her second choice major. Then we explained to her that it didn’t matter what she got in for, she was accepted. She has been able to add her first choice major as a double major and has had an amazing experience there so far. Now we are waiting to hear about my son’s admission status, but he has been leaning in a different direction so I don’t think he is as interested in attending anymore. I feel for you all. The waiting is torture!


My sister just called and one of her friends daughter got accepted for ag business yesterday. They are in Idaho. So seems as they are trickling out.


Four years ago, my son got accepted on Fri, Mar 2, 2018 @ 4:22 PM. We are in state and keeping fingers crossed for our daughter, too!


UC Irvine is one of the only UCs with Business Admin (UC Riverside might have it too). My son applied to Cal Poly Slo and got rejected (after a LONG wait) but got into UCI, UCSB, UCSD, and UC Davis (didn’t apply to Cal or UCLA). He’s very happy with the Biz Admin at UCI (I think they are very organized and practical)
however I think he would have been happier with the environment at Cal Poly to be honest.


Has anyone been accepted for political science yet?

I think my DD would be happy at SLO also. What did your son apply to at UCD? Her alternate major at UCD is Organizational Studies - which has a Business track. She wants to do Human Resources so I think that could be a good major.

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Hoping that OOS yesterday means IS today!


They did OOS yesterday?

My daughter applied for theatre arts this year. If accepted, may we connect them?

We are in Illinois and have not heard yet - College of Liberal Arts.

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We are CO and haven’t heard anything yet.

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Sounds like they started OOS yesterday. So could start IS today. But as we all have learned, it’s a very drawn out process.


Where did you hear that? We are out of state Washington and no word.

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Someone earlier said their OOS friend was accepted yesterday, Idaho I think.


I don’t know what the did and how many they let out but I just double checked and she was accepted yesterday.