Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

See Romsb’s post at 587 and 600


Oos wa and nothing yet

Cool. Maybe it’s by major :woman_shrugging:t2:

Local here, havent heard of anyone local getting in yet.


We are OOS AZ and have not heard yet either. Nothing on Reddit threads either for OOS admittances yet.


@Chriseemac: UCR, UCI and UCB are the only UC’s with a Business school and Business Admin as a major option. UCB is not a direct admit for Freshman.

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So… If I read the post correctly, the OOS was admitted for AG business. Looking at this list, perhaps they are going in alphabetical order.

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My daughter just told me kids are starting to get in she goes there


IS or OOS?

Hopefully we have a wave go out today then


It does not say it’s for the BRAE program

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They must be going in alphabetical order then if they are sending out ASM and BRAE today


I wonder if this is just for OOS?

Im having a friend who applied for ASM locally check right now

Edit: no update for them yet.



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nothing from oos civil engineering yet for me. praying that they do start to come soon though!


Let us know

My son applied to Management Economics I think - it definitely was not a Business Admin program though. UCI was the best choice for him - it offers a lot of options and I’m impressed with his accessibility to advisors - so many students at UCs struggle to get through to talk to an advisor (at least what people have shared online). It was a bummer to not get accepted to Cal Poly even though he theoretically had the ‘stats’ (high GPA, max extracurricular hours, over and above A-G’s, leadership, etc). I have no idea how the admissions decision was made but he survived and all is fine. As they say, they will all land somewhere and it will work out fine (his social life isn’t exactly what he hoped but it’s a good growth opportunity for him to branch out!).


I read in another post they typically release after admission office closes. Is that true?

It’s been 3:22 pm or 4:22 pm in the past, so not necessariy