Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

My daughter and several of her friends heard from CPP in early February. Was hoping SLO would follow suit. Unfortunately, nada……


I wonder how many parents are checking their kids’ portals. I don’t want to take that experience away from my daughter. It’s her news to discover and share with me. Am I alone with that thought?


I don’t have access to any of his portals or emails. Some of his decisions (rolling)- he just texted me from class “I got in”- others like GTech, which was on a Saturday, we were in the same room when he accessed the portal.


I have twins and I do not have access to any portals. Just like I do not have access to their emails. It works for us. Both keep me posted on acceptances, etc. I do use CC to satisfy my curiosity.


I also don’t have access, and my DD will text me or tell me when she has heard from schools. I figure by following here, I’ll know when decisions are coming out, and if she still doesn’t hear for a while, I’ll know what that means and be prepared for what she tells me.


My 2024 Mechanical Engineering son, in-state, got in first wave. 3/4/2020 at 7:05AM. Hold on tight! It won’t be much longer now! Good luck to all. It’s an amazing school!


I do have access. But I’ve promised not to tell him. He doesn’t check very often. But it sounds like SLO sends out an email. That’s what he sees.

IS CS. No movement yet for DS.


Argh, CP and some of the UCs are having welcome accepted student days at the same time! In addition, that time is exactly during our spring break, the time we were going to visit up to 5 east coast schools for the first time, immediately after we hear about acceptances (but after visiting these forums, feeling humbled and freaked that we’ll be lucky to get one out of that list- which does make for easier travel anyway :joy:). This timing is unbelievably frustrating on top of not being able to visit any schools before applying, having the SAT canceled three times and only being able to take it once (an hour away and a student throwing up loudly in my DS room for 30 minutes during the writing portion, and the proctor and College Board doing nothing about it), and everything else you all know about! I can’t believe how worked up I am. I stayed up until 1am last night reviewing the 2K long CP SLO 2025 decision thread, sadly confirming 100% that the announcements came in the order of admitted, wait listed, rejected. :face_exhaling:


Per comment #623 there is no email sent, but I guess we’ll find out soon enough if that is still true. Fingers crossed!

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If I had to guess, I bet OOS comes out today and IS starts coming out tomorrow. If not, Cal Poly is seriously behind.




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I can tell you that decision pattern has been that way: Admitted, Waitlisted and Denials since I have been following CC since 2012.


@s318830 No one said they got in this morning. What are you saying?

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That’s my son’s major too — what were his stats? :crossed_fingers: (If you remember and don’t mind sharing!)

Disregard. I missed the year.

This is really helpful insight. How long does it usually take for the “acceptance” window to transition into waitlist and denied? That will help with the crystal ball for us on where it’s likely to land, assuming we don’t hear right away. Thanks!

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That says 2020 :man_facepalming:t4:


Usually a week in-between each wave of decisions. SLO has been getting later in their decision timeline each year. 2013 admitted son found out February 14th however my other son (2014) whom was denied heard March 6.