Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I believe rejections will come at the end of the month (3rd or 4th week) which adds to the stress for sure. The wait is like impending doom.

It would really be much more humane if they mixed it up a bit and sent out some denials early on.


In 2019, the first wave was OOS and started on 2/28, my In-state daughter got her acceptance via the portal the morning of 3/2 ā€¦a Saturday.

Just to reiterate, if notifications begin today, it could take a couple days for In-State to begin rolling outā€¦but obviously, I hope not!!



@Gumbymom when in-state starts rolling out, does it happen over the course of one day, or over a couple of days? or do decisions come out all week long until they move on to announcing wait list?

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GPA 4.6 but I donā€™t remember the CSU capped GPA.

ACT 35 but believe is not considered this year.

Fulfilled all A-G extra requirements except English. I think that helped a lot.

Took highest level of STEM classes that his HS offered.

BEST OF LUCK! :blush:


It would have been smart for me to ask you rather than read that old thread!


Do they do all out of state before they start the in-state rollout? If we see in state acceptances and havenā€™t heard anything as an out-of-state applicant, odds are we will be part of the end of month denials?

Thanks. My son has a 4.38 and 36 on the ACT ā€” but they wonā€™t see that. Tons of APs, and even calc 3 at community college. Still, I feel like anything could happen without his score considered. My older son was similar a few years back and got into the program ā€” though went elsewhere. We considered it a safety school for him as he had a 1580 SAT and similar grades/classes! Things have really changed. :flushed:


I have seen so many different variations of the posting of decisions since 2012. Over the last few years, usually OOS admitted students heard the first day although there has been some rare exceptions of some in-state applicants hearing at the same time. Followed by the next day with an in-state wave.

In the past, you see some acceptances posted a few days later on CC but that is usually due to applicants not checking their portal on the day of the admit and posting later. Also you have to understand that the CC community is not representative of all the applicants so timelines can be deceiving if you are just going by CC posts.

My answer to the question if you are not admitted within the first wave, are you waitlisted or denied? I would not make any assumptions until you get a decision however, the longer the wait, the lower the prospects.


Has admissions consistently said to start looking for decisions at the portal mid March, for sure by April 1, over the years like they are now?

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Well, since my experience goes back to 2012, they started Mid-February so my sonā€™s starting checking the portal around that time. At least in the last few years they have stated that applicants would have decisions by April 1 but have not specifically seen when to check the portal.


You are definitely not alone in that thought!

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Iā€™m thinking OOS today!


You are a very cool parent!! I have to become like you next year when S22 goes to college.

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Sometimes itā€™s better to just get off all these threads. Doesnā€™t do you or your student any good at this time to be worked up. They worked hard and did their best despite crazy circumstances every student went through.

It will all work out in the end and one year from
now, your student will be wrapping up their first year of college.


Yes! Thanks for the excellent recommendation and reframing. Going back to my actual job now!!


My DS21 is a first year at CalPoly, so itā€™s been a year since my insanity peaked. Iā€™m here watching this thread because Iā€™m still processing it all a year later. I felt blindsided by how competitive and stressful and just insane it all was. Hoping to find my zen before my next kid goes through it all a few years down the road. I hope you can find yours, and good luck to everyoneā€™s kids as results come out (hopefully soon!).


Are transfer students generally on this same timeline? I thought I remember hearing that they find out later?

Transfer students usually hear after the Freshman. Last year it was around March 18. Transfers have their own discussion thread here:

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History has shown acceptances come out in March prior to April 1st posted timeline.

Is anyone thinking 3:22 pm today? :wink: