Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

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My D22 was accepted to CPP two weeks ago (in state).


I’m a little concerned about the UCB decision to let in less students this year. Many kids apply at UCB, Cal Poly, UCLA, UCSD and UCI. I wonder if this will affect how many freshmen are granted acceptances at all of these schools…I am thinking more and more students could be waitlisted.


I’m thinking same…

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I am concerned as well especially for top majors that compete with Cal as best program in the state (architecture/engineering). I do feel a little bit better re. Cal situation as they have issued communications now that they will prioritize in state and minimize other variables to minimize reduction in admission rate.


To reduce the enrollment number, Cal will be offering online admissions and January 2023 starts to freshman, so it kinda depends on how many or few take that/those take option(s).

Thus, the deleterious effect may not be that bad to the admissions of other CA public schools like SLO.


Yes, happy that UCB is being creative offering 1500 students admission in an Online format. This should help…


I haven’t received any email about setting up a portal. Is this normal?

I heard that Save Berkeley’s Neighborhoods was against Cal’s admission increase, because Cal did not create more on campus housing, which burdens the surrounding neighborhoods.

So if Cal allows 1500 students to attend online, and these students live in the surrounding neighborhoods, this could cause Save Berkeley’s Neighborhoods to fight the planned acceptances for these 1500 online students

I never had access to my son’s application or grade portal, even though I was itching to know.


same here. I have been biting my tongue a lot, and making suggestive eyebrow waggles at him, but I don’t think he is picking up my signals.

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It is a bit obscure in their email confirmation of application received, but in case you can’t find that:

Click on My Cal Poly Portal on their main page, then click the Need Help button in the login box. Enter the email address you put on your application under the “I am a student applicant” link (bottom right) and it will map you to your Cal Poly id and you can set up your portal from there.

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They’ll probably have to extend those 1500 Online acceptances outside the general Berkeley area …which I would imagine would cause a whole new controversy…


It’s not in Cal’s control where their online freshman students live. I don’t see online students, likely being admitted from all over the state, OOS and Internationals, to be a legal issue. But this is SLO forum, we should move on from the Cal talk.


You and me both. I never had access to either kid’s portal. I got pics of stuff, that’s about it.


which I would imagine would cause a whole new controversy…

I think there would be constitutional problems with UCB having a contract with students that states they’re admitted as an online student, but expelled if they move to Berkeley.

I wonder if Cal Poly was holding off on sending acceptances while awaiting yesterday’s court decision. For example, if UCB normally had 6k seats, it may accept 18k, because 1/3 would enroll. For this example, assume CP also has 6k seats, so it too would normally accept 18k, because 1/3 would enroll. Also, assume UCB and CP are the only schools.

Now with the court decision, UCB has to reduce enrollment by 3k. Thus, they may only accept 9k, thinking 1/3 will still enroll. Now CP is concerned if they continue to accept 18k, rather than having 6k enroll (1/3), will they get 9k to enroll (1/2), because there’s 3k less seats at UCB.

Now CP may be concerned about finding space for the extra 3k students that aren’t going to UCB, and overburdening SLO the way that Berkeley claims it was overburdened. Thus, thinking that the court decision could cause 1/2 of accepted students to enroll at CP, rather than the traditional 1/3, CP may be considering accepting 12k, so that if 1/2 do enroll, they’ll end up with the 6k students they anticipated.

Anyhow, all of the unknowns created by yesterday’s court decision could cause CP, UCB, and other top schools to accept less students, and increase the size of their waitlist in case they guessed wrong.

What do you think?

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@Greg_MacDonald We can move this discussion to a separate forum, but I honestly believe it’s impacting the late roll out of notifications from Cal Poly. I think it was last year that Cal Poly extended the deadline to apply by two weeks due to Covid and yet notifications began rolling out around 2/23…

And I agree with your #s! The yield could definitely be modified by this court ruling…the last thing Cal Poly wants is another over -enrollment situation!


That is exactly what i was expecting: trickle down impact on yields at the top UCs and SLO. However, the UCB announcement about online and deferred admissions should blunt the impact of the ruling so hopefully the trickle down effect isn’t material. That said, I agree it likely will cause delays in releasing decisions at some of the other peer (and near-peer) schools to UCB.

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Well, CP has the court’s decision now, so maybe acceptances could start to roll out even if they’re smaller, followed by a larger waitlist so that they can hedge their bet.

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