Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Looks like Cal Poly Humboldt is offering two preview days - April 8 and April 15.

UCLA, UCSB, UCR and UCD are all holding their admitted student days on April 9 as well.


Visit?! We hunkered down for the pandemic. We haven’t had a single proper visit, although we’ve driven and walked around a few CA campuses (including CP SLO) and got tours from friends at 3 of the UCs. We’ve only heard back from Humboldt (never been, but know the area) and are waiting on 14 schools (5 are Chicago and farther east). We presume if DD has interesting CA school choices, we won’t go to the east coast. Her spring break is the first week in April, so those last minute flights will be expensive or deciding which CA open house to attend will be tough. As one wise person said, this time next year she will be in college somewhere. I keep saying I’m not going to check this forum anymore, but here I am. Major is math, so not much buzz on that here, you would think it would be easier for me. Honestly, if folks would just stop debating about the names of schools, I won’t keep thinking that all of these new messages are the news I’m waiting for! :rofl:


Same! Only drive/walk throughs. Some places we felt like total stalkers. When things opened, then I was too busy with school/apps.

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Good to know! We are Northern CA, and yes, Cal Poly is SLO to us!

Yeah. We’d been scheduled for a SLO visit during spring break 2020. It was cancelled due to the initial COVID shutdown. Then we didn’t go anywhere during COVID. Finally did a visit to CPP over last Christmas break. Decided not to visit SLO now unless he’s accepted (had scheduled a visit for last Friday and cancelled when I realized how tough it’s likely going to be this year).

Yep 45 min north of LA, lower end of central coast here - “Cal Poly” is SLO.

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That’s a tough one. Hope everything works out well for your son. We’re in a little bit of the same boat. Cal Poly SLO is Thursday evening through Saturday. My daughter has been accepted to SDSU and their admitted student day is that same Saturday. She is also waiting on UCSB and their admitted student day is that Saturday as well!! Argh! Humboldt is beautiful btw


We booked a hotel halfway between SLO and UCSB. Depending on where my son gets admitted, we will just go to that event. We harbor no hopes of getting into both and if we get into neither, then we will simply cancel the hotel and go to the UCD event if he ends up getting in there. If he gets into none of them, then we will simply Netflix and chill. :sunglasses:


I suggest looking at the calendar of events as you may be able to fit 2 schools in that weekend. For Cal Poly in 2019, the open house was listed as the 3 days but the main event was on Friday where you would tour your college/classrooms and meet students and teachers. The other days are events that the school puts on for both admitted students and alumni since it coincides with Poly Royal. I believe Thursday is to go to the Farmers’ Market downtown. So basically the main day will be Friday and the other Saturdays to explore the area and the campus. I have kids at both CP SLO and SDSU and its about a 5 1/2 hour drive in between.


It makes no sense to delay all decisions based on music and art departments. They are/will be weeks behind the previous years’ notification dates, so they should just trickle them out by department once they are done with them. For a school that only looks at grades, they are taking an awfully long time.


Cal Poly Pomona was originally a satellite campus for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, up until 1938, when it became its own separate campus. It still has the same motto (Learn by Doing), school colors, and a similar mascot (Mustang/Bronco). If you visit campus it is still very much referred to as just Cal Poly, not just by the students but by the signage around campus. Honestly I think that the only ones that don’t refer to it as Cal Poly are those that are familiar with or associated with Cal Poly SLO.

That being said, I have a senior at Cal Poly Pomona and we are awaiting an admission decision for my nephew at Cal Poly SLO - out of state. Love both schools.


Thank you and that’s what we’re planning on. If she is admitted to SLO (fingers crossed it’s her top choice) we will do just as you mentioned! UCSB we will tour two weeks before just a campus tour.

One is a commuter school, whereas the other has a student housing problem with some of the highest rent rates in the U.S.

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I grew up in SLO and we just called it Poly. :wink:


Hopefully they’re not waiting until UCLA and UCB release their results so they look like they’re in the same group


My kid just got home from school and said some of his schoolmates were notified of being on waitlist at CalPoly SLO. This is in state. Anyone else hear this?

That is brilliant planning. Or at least you just get a day at the beach.


My thoughts exactly

@Roostermarie It’s most likely Cal Poly POMONA
not SLO


Cal Poly Pomona sent out waitlists today.