Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Understood. I think what most are probably forgetting to think about is if their child wants them to manage it and to check? My D gave me all her portal info on her own free will without me asking for it. I completely respect everyone’s position and very much appreciate your response. I’m not judging anyone, just providing another perspective. Didn’t think others would resort to name calling (not you, but others in response to my previous comment).


Every day is THE DAY! Haha


Exactly, what ever the student wants, right!? It works. Wish others weren’t so judgey! Btw, love the idea of surprising them. My D has 3 she would live to go to. SLO being her 2nd. Hoping one of them 3 turn out!




Seeing a lot of new messages I thought that maybe results were out! But instead, its parents talking about checking their kids’ portals smh


I was hoping the 1000th post was going to be the one. Decisions hitting the portal. I am still trying to come to terms with the info saying it will still be two more weeks! All I have to say is please no-I hope we don’t have to go through two more weeks of this misery.


This international, super stressed out spy club has kept me SANE! My child thanks everyone here LOL!


Agree. If possible, let the kids experience the process (and anxiety) themselves. My son told me he was admitted to SJSU (his backup school), he said “my backup plan is working” with happiness. I am looking forward to see how he would present his other acceptances and rejections to me in the coming weeks.



HS senior here and observation from my POV. Thought this was more for kids than parents, but have found it’s not. It’s been comedy. I personally don’t care and prefer my parents to manage all of this. I don’t have time for it. I’m taking 3 AP classes and in a sport. I’ve applied to 13 colleges, accepted to 4 already. SLO is my 4th choice of the 13. I don’t have time for ton of emails from the colleges. I want my parents to manage it all and just tell me what my choices are at the end. It is still my choice and my experience. There I said it. So it works for us. Sad what you guys are saying to the others. Just focus on why you’re on this page and your own kid. This is still my experience. The next 4 years will be mine. That being said, good luck to all of us!


I agree. Every family’s situation is different. To each his own. No need to be preachy. We’re all here for the same purpose. Good luck to all!


My son basically wanted 100% control of the applications and essays while wanting me to deal with the minutiae of monitoring portals and tracking admission related followups. He knows all the deadlines but doesn’t have the energy to check. I’ve taken the personal assistant role because it matches my obsessive personality. Each parent/child need to find a model that works for them.


Thank you for sharing this! The judgmental comments from some parents on here - the presumption that they are doing it the right way and other parents doing it differently are doing it wrong (or need to analyze why they are doing it the way they are) - are so unnecessary. Everyone should just focus on their own kids and their own journeys. Let’s assume that none of us came here for parenting advice and let’s also assume that no one here needs our advice unless asked.


Agreed! I took the hint that my D22 wanted to be in charge of the process when she changed all her email passwords lol. Cheers, everyone!


Thank you! You seem wise beyond your years!!


I find it all fascinating. I may have read one judgmental comment, but other than that, the conversation about how people are managing the portal situation and why… it’s awesome. I love that everyone has found a way and a reason that works for them. There is no one right way. I don’t think it’s parenting advice… it’s parent-sharing. I love getting that insight from people.


Check out ZeeMee if you haven’t already. That’s a better student forum. And good luck — hope you get in! Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders.


Called admissions office tried to get an idea. She said Freshman will know before transfer students. They were kinda vague and I asked if the decisions would trickle out and she said basically.


So no one has received a decision today???

I bet parents on this forum, myself included, are the same neurotic parents—myself included, again—that were on the sports field yelling at their kids to run faster and hit harder! It never stops, I guess. :rofl: