Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

It is still a little bit early in the day I guess, but nothing here yet.


Really appreciate this perspective. It’s something I hadn’t thought of =).


Honestly, this long wait with no update from SLO about a timeline has really discouraged me from loving this school. It just seems so elitist to not even communicate why there is a delay or when they expect to remedy it. (I realize the delay is only in terms of historical trends rather than their published timelines.)

There is an article in the Mustang News about how the admin at SLO apparently blocks information to the student run newspaper.

All of this isn’t a good look for the university and moves other, more communicative and cooperative institutions, higher up on our list. I dread four years of dealing with this crappy “wait and see and we’ll tell you what you meed to know when we feel like it” approach they seem to have.


I think the school’s administration is not the best. Even though most CSUs went online in the Fall of 2020 during the pandemic, they required students to be on campus and a lot of kids got covid. Even though most CSU’s delayed the in-person start this January due to Omnicron, they required students to be on campus and a lot of kids got covid.


You might not want to hear this…They have a “decision date” on their website. Receiving a decision before that date is a bonus. If you are a student get ready for more waiting over the next 4 years,
no matter where you end up. If this is a deal breaker attend a school that meets your expectations.


Yes, I heard first hand about both of those fiascos! A friend’s son is a Junior so he had to deal with both of those situations. My kid’s health is another thing i don’t want to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year to have ignored or mismanaged.


It does sound like the “administration” that said wearing masks is not necessary.


I think that is exactly the point, they historically have beat their posted decision date by weeks, hence the “historical” trend notation.

My thoughts are exactly what you suggest, my standards maybe too high to deal with this for four years when other schools at the same level do a much better job of managing communications.


My freshman was in the dorms this January and it was handled well. Unlike other schools where the kids still returned to their dorms or off campus housing with no monitoring or testing, allowing Covid to rip through areas and affect collegiate and non-collegiate members of the those communities.


Well, Learn By Doing is the reason my daughter applied here and not the research based UC’s for engineering. Extremely difficult to learn by doing engineering labs online. And I would be less than happy at paying tuition for online classes. CalPoly has their own in-house lab where they have been able to run their own Covid tests, and somewhere near a 97% vaccinated rate. I think they handled the pandemic very well and where it may be a turn off for some, I think you will find the same number that put it in the plus column. That being said, this “delay” in admissions results is disheartening. Yes, they say everyone will be notified by April 1st. But then, they also slowly roll out admissions over several weeks and rejections last. Also, scheduling the housing application to open April 1st and the admitted students open house April 7-9 gives every indication that you would have results earlier. If not, push those dates back as well.


I’m glad to hear your kid was safe, but there’s 3600 people that signed a petition begging that the school take adequate measures to prevent covid:

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Can someone remind me when the in-person event is for admitted students?

I feel this way, too. UCSB announced a date; and UCSC and UC Davis have said they will announce by March 20 and March 11, respectively. So why can’t SLO just say when… I don’t want to hear “you’ll know by April 1” because historically that is not the announcement day. So just tell us.

Edit to add: With commitments due by May 1, any little extra time helps.


If you think that the school is so poorly run, then why are you here? Why did you apply?


My D applied. I think the teachers are good.


I’m only now discovering how poorly run, thanks for asking!


I understand that waiting is difficult but, as you state, it is your perception that something is amiss, not SLO’s.


CP SLO is a great school. Try to keep the faith. Decisions are coming. Many CSUs including SDSU and Cal State Fullerton have not announced the majority of acceptances. And many UCs have not announced either. Not sure why things are so slow this year. But it is what it is.