Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Still waiting for Env Management and Protection in that department

Us too
nothing yet

Accepted OOS for Animal Science! 1540 SAT, but I don’t remember the calculated GPA


Daughter got in! :tada:
UW: 4.0
CSU: 4.38
In State, Bay Area


My son got in to psychology OOS !


My son was accepted to his first choice major-Biochemistry
UW GPA: 3.95
UC GPA: 4.31
Do not know CSU GPA


Good luck with the process! Your days of waiting for decisions are over. With UCSB coming on 03/22 and UCB on 03/24, I am going to be in decision limbo all the way until the end of the month.


Were acceptances in the same major spread out over days? Or a major one day, another major the next day? I saw other Business admits already, some with the same GPA as my daughter. I am thinking she will be waitlisted / rejected at this point. She did not take extra science classes (just the requirement) so guessing that is why. It wasn’t one of her top choices, but I was still hopeful as an alumni.

I think that you’re the closest. I believe the 1st result was posted at 3:01 pm today


My son is throwing an acceptance to Purdue on the trash heap, and possibly UCLA.

I would strongly caution you re UCSB. The housing situation is horrible there. We applied there, but there is/was no way I would send my son there now.

It pains me greatly to say that as I grew up in Goleta, and did my BSME at UCSB. My Dad did his BSEE there.


Math 2. Girl! Go STEM girls!


One win down
now the boy just needs to get in😀


Yeah, my #1 is CalPoly and I am hopeful of swaying him to go there. But of all the schools, his chances are probably the worst at CalPoly since his CP GPA is bad even though his CSA GPA is great. If by some miracle he gets in at CP, I am planning to lobby hard. If I bad mouth UCSB, he might punch me so I am going to use some positive redirection.

anyone for marine sciences yet?

Regarding UCSB, is the housing situation bad for all grades or just upperclassmen? Aren’t freshman guaranteed housing? I heard it was bad but didn’t think it was that bad!

Anyone from So Cal hear yet?

Not us but a friend in a different major has heard

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Where in Calif are your friends from?

We are in SoCal
My son got in for Computer Science


Any OOS Biomedical engineering yet?