Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Son in! OOS, City Planning major. School of Architecture and Environmental Design. Portal update 3:05 PT, no email yet 6:39 PT. Portal home page said 0 updates but when he looked at student portal/application status, he saw the update. 3.88 GPA unweighted. Unsure on rest of stats.

I wish everyone the best no matter what result you for you get from this school. You are all talented and will do great wherever you land!!

Thanks community for getting me through the waiting.


How many days does it usually take for acceptances to come out? Will it be all day tomorrow or likely start around 3 again?

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Son got in! Mech Engineering. In state, GPA 4.3 with lots of AP and math classes. Waiting on some other decisions but SLO was top of the list.


How do people have more than 4 years of any subject? I think someone earlier in the thread posted 8 years of a subject area?! High school is only 4 years. Maybe this is the disadvantage of a small rural school.

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My kid as well!!

ADMITTED - OOS Washington - Graphic Communication :partying_face:


My son had 7 years of Math. He took 2 years of high school math in 8th grade. And he took 4 years of Math through his high school and another year through an online school. Starting from Algebra I and Geometry in middle school to Multi-variable Calc and Linear Algebra in high school.

It’s very much possible, and I really hope you added high school courses taken prior to 9th grade in your app.


Algebra 1 in 8th grade counts, then I guess you could take a second math class like Stats. Otherwise I guess summer or doubling up? Some people sound like they went to a 5th year of high school :rofl:

my bad - yes, it is Biomedical Engineering. I will edit my original post.

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My kid was 4.08 It is crazy how high the GPA’s are. Taking college classes helped her mask the B’s in HS as they count as honors classes and she was able to get mostly A’s in those.

Good luck!

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My D22 received an email at 6:42 Pacific time but the portal changed hours earlier.


Current senior, Comp E in state. Still waiting as of rn

Asked around, and only a few people got decisions already. Most of my friends, including one person that got a 4.0 UW with tons of APs and applied ME, have not gotten their decision yet.

I guess the people who are still waiting shouldn’t be too worried yet. Looks like they’re still rolling them out.


This is what I am trying to tell myself! :wine_glass:


D admitted to Software Engineering. In-state, non-local.


Out of state, haven’t got an email yet. no updates in the portal but some of my friends in different majors have gotten acceptances

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What does D mean?



If a high school is on a 4x4 block schedule, students complete eight classes each school year. The school year is divided into two terms. So students who take a full day of classes during all four years of high school will take a total of 32 classes compared to a total of 24 in a traditional sixth period day schedule. For example, my kids had seven years of math (14 semesters) because they could double up on math some years (plus eighth grade math).

Sorry, yes D = Daughter, S= Son for those of us parents posting kids’ results.