Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

D got accepted for Sociology! OOS.


Unfortunately, she had no high school courses taken before 9th grade to add. Most of her classes were honors, AP, or DE classes in high school, but I guess that isnā€™t enough these days. Competition is crazy!

Everyone posting acceptances and stats, donā€™t forget to post them in the stats thread. Folks next year will be looking there for info to assess their chances.


Congrats. CP doesnā€™t offer ChemE though. Typo?


English: 4 years in HS + 1 class in city college,
Math: 3 years + two classes senior year(AP Calc + AP Stat),
Science: 3 years of Honors (Bio, Chem, Phys) + AP Bio+ AP Phys - two science classes Soph. year

Thank you ā€“ I have this same question!

I am right there with you. My daughter was accepted for Industrial Engineering. So happy but sheā€™s struggling with senior grades as well. Not so much senioritis but mainly just had a hard time readjusting to in person school after all that time at home during the pandemic. My fingers will be crossed for them both!


Could somebody explain what the SLO GPA is and how to calculate that? Iā€™m thinking it has to do with the extra Math, Science English, etc that SLO requires compared to the other CSUā€™s?

are you in state or out of state? congrats!

D has no portal updates yet. She applied for child Development. Anyone else with this major hear anything?

Grades for the a-g courses taken 9-11th grades with an 8 semester cap on qualified UC approved Honors/ AP/IB or DE courses.

Basically the CSU GPA + 9th grades.


It seems like all the acceptances for BS majors are coming out right nowā€¦

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Same for my daughter!

The decisions were probably posted on the portals between 3 and 6pm but emails showing up later.


ā€œYouā€ can seacrh for any major in this thread by clicking on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of your screen. But I did check, and I didnā€™t see an accepted child development major pop up.

SLO projected 560 apps to be submitted last cycle, which isnā€™t many, so with CC being a very small sample, we may not see one post here.

ETA: And a new poster posted one right after I wrote this. :slight_smile:

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On Central Coast (local) son got email at 6:57pm PST


So did my OOS daughter, same major!


D was accepted in state child development today!! Got the email around 7.


@gumbymom we are very bummed over hereā€¦ did not hear from SLO today. Do you think there could be more acceptances tomorrow? Even if I already saw a couple here with my Dā€™s same majorā€¦ ugh. So bummed!


Son accepted tonight in Biological Sciences.