Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Try logging back in. Our portal changed a bit this morning. It is still a little underwhelming compared to the acceptance portal imagery some other schools use, but there’s at least a bit more in our portal the second time in :slight_smile:

My daughters good friend was waitlisted at Cal Poly and was accepted at UCLA and UC Berkeley. He was 2nd in the class of a very large, highly ranked high school. My daughter always says she has two things over him, she got accepted to cal poly and graduated in 3 years from cal poly and he graduated in 3 1/2 years from UCLA. Sending positive thoughts that your child gets in if that is their number 1.

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@Gumbymom - is the 4.4 cap an adjustment this year? I thought the cap was 4.2 previously.

You don’t need to visit during Open House. If you can swing a couple days during the week to see the campus in action, it’s enough. I’d suggest Thurs/Fri since you can hit Farmer’s Thursday night to see the social scene/town and still get on campus and see buildings, etc…


In-state S applied for CS and hasn’t heard back yet, so feeling very anxious. He selected Business as his alternative choice. Can anyone explain whether Cal Poly will put him in the pool of business major applicants if he does not earn a spot in CS?

I’m not sure what his weighted GPA is, but he has straight As and has taken/is taking at least 7 APs.

BTW our oldest is a 5th year Architecture student at Cal Poly and loves it!


I’m wondering the same thing for back up majors

The CSU capped weighted maximum as always been 4.4. For SLO when they posted their MCA calculations in 2013, it was 4.2. However, if you check the Freshman profiles for the last few years, the listed middle 50% GPA range extends above the 4.2 2013 cap. They have probably adjusted upwards since the MCA 2013 information is no longer valid.

I graduated in 3 years from Cal Poly back in the 90’s. I would never recommend it. Slow down and enjoy college is what I would tell all students. No rush to join the working world. :wink:


@Sjc176: Getting accepted into your alternate major is done on a case by case basis and if there is any spots available.

From the SLO website:

As a first-year applicant, you are encouraged to enter an alternate major on the application. If you are not selected to your first choice major, you may be considered in your alternate major if space is available.


Got it - thank you!

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I was wondering this because we will be traveling from the East Coast and have a few schools to tour and of course all the accepted students days conflict. We have never been to Cal Poly before though so am wondering if accepted students day is important or if a tour on another day will suffice. Thanks!

Do we know if more acceptances will come out today and around what time?


FYI The walking tours at SLO seem to be filling up fast. We got one for next week as she is on spring break (its finals week at SLO for Winter). I don’t think we will come for the open house in April but maybe. Is there a webpage with more info on that? Also does anyone know if my daughter can take a math class at the community college this summer and have it transfer?
Good luck to everyone today on continued notifications.


Lets hope so :crossed_fingers:


I have one child who graduated from Cal Poly (2021) and another who is currently a sophomore. With our first child, we couldn’t make the accepted students day events, but had a perfectly fine self-guided experience on campus and around town. The campus and the town sell themselves. Personally, I LOVE the half-empty sleepy San Luis Obispo. Definitely hit the Thursday Night Market.

During our son’s first year we went to the Family Weekend activities. That was the last time we did anything that was organized by the school until graduation in 2021. It’s not that the school doesn’t do an great job hosting events. They do! It’s just that everything is so crowded around town when the campus hosts an event.

However, if you like all the hustle and bustle of the big events, they are well done and worth going to. It’s also pretty easy to drive out to Pismo, Arroyo Grande, or Avila for dinner if things get too crowded in downtown SLO.


Accepted! in state / So Cal, Landscape Architecture, 4.2 CP GPA, AP’s and Honors through HS and active in Varsity Tennis, Art Club and Summer Architecture programs through UCLA. I’m so happy for him, SLO is his top choice!


Check with admissions before taking any CC classes this summer and get the OK. If you are a CA resident, you can check for transferable courses.

We are over the moon at my house. Son was accepted! He is traveling with his robotics team and I woke up this morning to a text with the screen shot of his acceptance, thereby sparing me the decision of whether to alert him that decisions were coming out (yay!).

Physics. OOS. GPA: 3.5 unweighted/HS 4.3 weighted (I never could figure out CP GPA; best guess was like a 3.8?). 17 APs + assorted honors classes; fully maxed out CalPoly course category requirements, including VPA (an AO on site told us often the science applicants don’t have the max VPA). National Merit Finalist. 1560 SAT, 36 ACT (not counted, I know). Lots of EC hours and work/volunteer experience.

Thanks to all of you for all of the camaraderie while we waited and all of the great information. Congratulations to those who already got good news, and fingers crossed for those still waiting!


the wait is eating me alive :tired_face:


I have given up hope. I’m not sure we’re waiting for anything but a waitlist or rejection.