Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I was thinking this too as I saw the stats come in last night. Seemed like the VERY high end of the admits when you look at their typical freshman profile? Though, I have no idea what I am talking about – just a mom over here hoping her really smart, hardworking son gets admitted to a college today.


My understanding is that if MCA is still used, the parents not graduating adds a bunch of points, so it would make the difference if all else is equal.


Thanks! We actually did a student-guided tour over the past summer when we were out there, and had lunch in the downtown SLO area to absorb as much as we could. But the campus was pretty quiet over the summer and it was hard to tell what the vibe would be like with students around. I was hoping the Open House would give more of a flavor of what school would be like, and the opportunity to ask questions.

D said Prom was more important :upside_down_face: (not really a surprise since covid stole so much of the HS experience from everyone) so I guess the summer tour was good enough for her. I personally would prefer she had more exposure to SLO before deciding, since we’re paying for it OOS.

But your point is a good one, and depending on how other RD decisions pan out, we could plan to visit some other time in April.


Feel the same. Does your portal say, “Thank you for your application. No determination has been made at this time.”?


Sadly, yes.

Glad to hear your son got in! I know you were worried to tell him results were out because of the trip. Glad the news was good!


Students in US high schools can take AP (Advanced Placement) courses, which are meant to be a level of difficulty equivalent to a first year college course. Also, some high schools offer honors courses that are a higher level of difficulty than regular courses. When calculating GPAs for admissions decisions, CSU and UC award extra weight (an additional GPA point) to these courses, but they limit (cap) the number of courses that can be awarded extra weight.

If you are a community college student who is transferring to a CSU or UC, there is no extra weighting in the calculation of your GPA. Your CCC GPA is the GPA that will be used in admissions GPA calculations.

Hope that helps!

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I 2nd the notion that if you can’t visit on an admitted student day, just go and visit anyway. For 21,000 students, the campus has never felt big to me. Yes, the town and campus sell themselves. Also, take a trip 10-15 minutes away and visit Avila Beach too, while you’re at it.


Got into Cal Poly!!!
3.95 UW/4.31 Capped W
1470 SAT
Sports Oriented Extracurriculars


All different majors from me and each other. All of them to my knowledge have college graduate parents, I’m actually the one with my mom as a philippine college graduate and my dad (who is white) never graduated from college.

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mine says this as well, i applied for business administration out of state

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Was your portal updated today? Or is this from last night?

The advantage is if one or both parents did not graduate from high school (MCA has nothing to do with parents / college).


No evidence to back this up but I always feel like the stats in both CC and Reddit ATC forums skew high. Good luck to everyone still waiting!


Definitely, thank you very much!!!

My bad - I said the wrong thing. That’s what I meant, thank you for the correction. I thought I saw that if parents don’t graduate from high school that it adds points to the MCA score. Did I imagine that?

I found out through email @ 7:13 pm PST and shortly after checked my portal, it was updated.

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*last night

@s318830 - thank you so much! I was pretty wrapped around the axle last night from a parenting ethics perspective - stick to the agreed plan and tell him even though we thought his odds of acceptance weren’t great and it might ruin his competition experience, or hold off on alerting him until he had some traction at the competition or maybe got an email directly? Oh, the things we make ourselves nuts about :roll_eyes: :laughing: :woman_facepalming:

Congratulations to your student as well!


There’s no handbook on these parenting choices! Glad it worked out for your son, congrats!