Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

hello there! Please share the link to the portal. I can’t seem to find it from their website.

Thank you so much!

My impression from parents of other admitted kids at the open house I attended in 2017 with my oldest was Cal Poly likes dual enrollment classes even more than APs.

Did you set up your student portal?

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Hello again:

Thanks for your clarification. I just want to make sure: my daughter took a college course in the summer AFTER her 11th grade. According to the UC guidelines, that grade counts toward overall weighted GPA. However from your post SLO only consider up to the summer of 10th grade, not 11 the grade ?
Thanks again.

Summer prior to 12th grade is considered. Oops made a typo but fixed it.

Did you actually speak to someone in admissions today or yesterday?


Last year, it was on March 14 but acceptances were on February 23.

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And did they say “admissions decisions” or “acceptances”?

Yes, I spoke to them a few hours ago.


Thank you. I feel better :slight_smile:


If I remember correctly from last year, acceptances for majors that require a portfolio came later than the others.

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We were specifically discussing acceptances.


Congratulation all, I didn’t receive any update on portal. Not a good sign to me. :disappointed:

I believe that is their standard answer. My educated guess is that yesterday was the big wave of acceptances but more will continue to trickle out.


I tried calling a few hours ago, but there hours are 12 - 5. So I emailed instead, but no response.

The school strongly discourages it, as do I. This is her time to figure out things for herself, stumble, pick herself up and develop some resilience. If you want her to have the tools so that you don’t have to call HR and make sure she showed up for work, it’s time to loosen up on the reins.


Someone called the school last year after the initial acceptance day and were told more acceptances were coming. However, most acceptances were sent on that first day. I think if there’s another wave of acceptances coming, it’ll start in the next 15 minutes.


are you sure ?


no. (Full disclosure: I’m a terrible guesser)