Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

looks like i am done

I am remaining hopeful! None of my daughter’s friends heard yesterday and many of them are very high stats kids. I can’t imagine none of them would have been accepted so I am keeping my fingers crossed that maybe it’s by region, or school, or?? The waiting is so painful!


is 4.13 csu gpa a high gpa for schools like cal poly. one of my friends had 4.19 in my high school and managed to get in

My daughter has a 4.17 CP GPA and has not been admitted.

A 4.13 SLO or CSU GPA? It really depends upon many factors including HS course rigor, applied Major, EC hours, Leadership etc
. Other than comparing your GPA to last year’s Freshman profile or current admitted students, there is no way to know for sure until you receive your decision.

Wait, did she got denied for cal poly or are you still waiting for her decison?

It varies widely by major. Some majors have acceptances rates like an Ivy. Some accept 60% of applicants.


Well, I’m guessing no decision means she will be denied at some point. She is a business major which I think requires a pretty high GPA

After getting permission, you will only have access to the previous quarter’s grades. If you want to know her grades at the middle of the quarter then you will need to get them from her.
I think it is good to ask for a screenshot of the grades at mid-quarter, then you can help arrange tutors (free at CP) for the classes where it would be helpful.


We are waiting for business major as well.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Transfers generally hear later. (Edit: I was not replying to @Gumbymom !)

We have two kids at CP (one ME who came off the wait list with a 3.85/5.0 and a 1420 SAT in 2018), and one in Wine and Vit 2020 admit whose stats were not nearly as impressive as many on this thread. Our third (who is a fall 2022 applicant for political Science) is waiting, and like many, has not yet heard

his stats are much higher than his W&V sister, but we are prepared for him not to get in. Apparently PolySci has a very tight admit rate (we learned this after the fact and are hoping they consider his alternate choice). Anyway, CP admissions is closely tied to the major your kid chooses. Our youngest is wishing he had picked differently, since - like many 17 year olds - he has NO idea what he wants to do when he grows up. Our advice (for next time clearly!) is have your young applicants research the major they are going to apply under - especially if they have lots of flexibility with regard to what they want to study. The major they pick makes all the difference.


For those discussing 4.0+ and the possibility of denial, last year Cal Poly rejected almost 16,000 applicants with capped and weighted GPAs 4.0 or higher. It is highly dependent on how popular, and thus how competitive a particular major is. Best of luck! :crossed_fingers:


@eyemgh i saw this posted on the FB CAL POLY PARENTS PAGE from a 2021 Tribune article.


You can look every major up every year at the link below. It’s where those numbers come from. It only tells part of the story though, how popular a major is. It doesn’t say how strong the applicant pool is. I would venture that the median accepted MCA in the ME pool, not even listed is this list, is higher than that of all the non-engineering majors on the list. It varies year to year too.


I would venture to guess not all.

Any word of acceptances rolling out today? If not do we think they are done?

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Our kids are kindred spirits: same major, same concentration, and my son made the exact same comment about redesigning the portal! :rofl:

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Sure sounds like it! Team project maybe?!