Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Was it today?

NVM I did”nt read that carefully

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You are like me lol

Okay we’re in this together. Lol

Yes , please update me if you got any news! I will do the same

Ofc bestie

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nah its Friday, prob wont hear until tues-thurs for the next wave


How do you know this

:disappointed: man I am so done waiting

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My daughter was accepted to liberal studies yesterday. In state, not local, 4.3. Very different roll out this year. Good luck!


No, yesterday (3/10) as stated above. Good luck to you!

me too!!! wishing you luck :four_leaf_clover:

i could recite this phrase in my sleep at this point.


Thanks for your reply. Glad to know there are free tutors available if she needs help.

yes. in state.

Looks like there weren’t any additional acceptances today, after the first batch yesterday. Better luck Monday?


I appreciate your perspective and certainly don’t want to be a helicopter parent, but I’ve read stories of students secretly dropping classes after parents have paid for full-time tuition, housing, meal plan, etc. The first signs of a student failing in college are not always apparent and I would hate to have spent tens of thousands of dollars while she figures it out.


My son crashed a friend’s Dad’s side by side screwing around when he was 15. It cost him $1000 to fix it. Let them know you’ll pull the plug on their tuition if they cross the lines you set, and they probably won’t cross said lines.


FWIW, in order to maintain a good drivers discount with our insurance coverage, we have to show the insurance company their courses and grades each semester. Renewal is every 6 months.

So that’s an easy way for us to keep tabs on things. But thankfully, the kids are doing great at school, so we haven’t had an issue.