Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

You might be surprised. I was very worried about how my freshman twins would do without me monitoring their grades like I did in high school. I honestly thought either or both might flunk out but both of them got all As the first quarter, and say they are on track to do the same this quarter.


Thank you!

My son was accepted to Physics.

(For future reference) He received an email just after 7pm on Thursday, March 10th, 2022.


I told my kids I need full access or I am not paying full tuition. So far one is graduated and one got straight aā€™s last semester. I know kids who flunked out and their parents had no idea and paid for a year for them to play around with out them knowing it.


This is a very helpful link for anyone considering applying in the future.

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Thank you for posting this. This is a peek into how the sausage is made.


It happened to my older D last year as well. She actually loves psychology but didnā€™t realize cognitive science or psychological science (this example is UCI) have less applications and therefore easier to get into. She was rejected with psychology. So this year with my next daughter who like to travel and likes business we discovered the experience industry management major (parks, rec, tourism) at SLO and it was perfect and not as impacted as business. Had we not had the prior experience she probably would have picked business not realizing and been rejected. The older daughter is a 1 year Community college transfer and is waiting to hear back from UCI for psychological science so it all worked out ok. It just so hard if you donā€™t know all of these tips and tricks.


Same! My daughter was originally waitlisted and then got it. We had no idea it was so competitive. Ironically, sheā€™s had a difficult time switching out of psychology. Itā€™s CalPolyā€™s biggest weakness.


Called the honors office today and they informed me that honors invites are to be emailed on March 21st.


My daughter applied Interdisciplinary Studies and hasnā€™t heard. She is number 1 at her school (and countless classmates not close to her GPA got admitted already) UW 4.0, 4.4 capped and she has max activities, leadership, etc. Couldnā€™t have done more ā€¦ I am just so confused. I guess sheā€™ll do better at schools where she can add her letters of rec and essays???


Thanks for sharing this. I know college is a different experience from high school, so Iā€™m hoping my daughter will return to the conscientious, hardworking student she used to be. Your post gives me hope, thank you.


What major did she pick?

What was the unweighted/weighted high School gpa?

What was your high school gpa weighted/unweighted?

Are Cal Poly SLO Acceptances done? I applied Mechanical Engineering and havenā€™t heard back from themā€¦


That is the #1 question. Based on past history the large wave is over but acceptances could be trickling out throughout next week.
Congratulations on SDSU a great option.


Waiting for S22 as well!


Us too with high stats but he is in at San Deigo State which has a really cool cute fun vibe to it so itā€™s prob meant to be


You are the only one on this board that I have seen admitted to Forest and Fire science. Do you happen to know of any others admitted for this major?

I am admitted to every csu I applied except Slo which I havenā€™t heard anything yet. I feel ok if not get in.