Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Still waiting on decisions… applied for ag business as a first-year undergrad with 4.29 weighted, 3.96 unweighted. Super nervous and confused because I was under the impression that all decisions would be sent out on April 1?

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BY April 1 is what they said

So does this mean that there’s a possibility you will get an acceptance letter as late as April 1st?

I’m no expert, but I don’t think so. My understanding is that admits are notified first, then waitlist, then denials. But everyone should have one of those three decisions by April 1. My D hasn’t been admitted yet either and I’m bummed, but still trying to be hopeful.


Last year, more acceptances did trickle out after the big acceptance wave; not a large amount but there were some.


Hoping, hoping, hoping. I haven’t seen any acceptances in her major yet–kinesiology, but apparently that’s one of the hardest majors to get into. If only we had known!


Did she have the extra years of math, language, etc?

For parents here I created a Cal Poly SLO parents Fall 22 freshman group on facebook if you would like to join as well.


Mine hasn’t heard from kinesiology either…4.38, AP’s, soccer captain, service hours, couldn’t be prouder


Any aerospace engineering majors hear back?

Interdisciplinary studies. It’s new and has ethics, could be pre law etc. She has 10 classes that are weighted, never got a B , and has been accepted to some really awesome schools already including SDSU in December so I know it’s not a mistake on her app. Maybe she just chose the wrong major.

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Yes 3 years foreign language with the upper division scholastic medal, 4 years of math, 10 AP and augmented classes.

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According to the SLO Target projections, SLO has 20 spots for Freshman students in the Interdisciplinary Studies major with 219 projected applicants


Yes. See Post #1348.

What major? We are still waiting to with a sociology major.

Yes, my kid was accepted to aerospace engr. in state.

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So far, I’ve only heard of two acceptances for psych and I’m just curious if anyone else has been accepted/what there stats are? I know that’s it’s one of the most competitive majors but am nervous as I haven’t heard back.


What was her GPA?

Your kid definitely has the stats. But they give bonus points for a 4th year of language, a 5th year of math (they count 8th grade if accelerated), an extra year of visual/performing arts, and an extra year of English (meaning a second English class 1 year of HS), and 4 years of lab science. And bonus also for an outside job. These things can make the difference if a major has a very qualified applicant pool. But I would not give up hope yet. More acceptances will trickle out.

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ive also applied for kinesio 4.35 gpa and still waiting :confused: