Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

@jntwinmama you are absolutely correct…on cal poly list of requirements to be accepted, there is the typical “Required” coursework vs. the “Desired”. By adhering to their “Desired” standards student will attain the highest amount of MCA points. I wish HS’s understood this and communicated to students that Cal Poly is different than any other Cal State school. With my daughter I found out that she was only scheduled for one year of performing/visual art & had to fight with her counselor to get it added to her schedule Sr year because I knew she couldn’t afford to lose any MCA points! With my son, I was floored when I found out he only had 1 1/2 years Arts but I wasn’t as concerned about him needing every single point since he had Honors/ AP/ High GPA…
Lessons here are:
1)Picking a major that has a higher acceptance rate
2) Attainment of those Desired courses for the highest possible MCA points
3) Not forgetting Jr High School coursework if applicable


agree. no one told me this at all. not even my college advisor. luckily though i took math and Spanish and just happened to be in choir all 4 years.


It was only by chance that my boys took all the extra classes, (except the additional year of English.)


What does everyone think? Another wave, trickling or on to waitlists? And when would the next wave be?


My D also applied to IS and hasn’t heard. I don’t think she realized how competitive of a major it is. It seems like an amazing opportunity. Fingers crossed and good luck to yours!


My son is a freshman right now In Interdisciplinary Studies and has really been enjoying it. He did not know how competitive it was when he applied either but luckily was accepted.


Yes, except that 1)Picking a major that has a higher acceptance rate is a risky proposition because switching majors is known to be difficult at SLO.


@crossleyhope i saw acceptances for Psych on ZeeMee

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Our school actually had a 8 block a year schedule so she has 7 visual performing arts, they didn’t offer a Spanish 4 so took honors honors philosophy and founded the ethics bowl club at her school , AP Econ instead of a 5 year if math, and 4 years of AP English. I guess that all college is a shot in the dark and all you can do is your best. She is as the President of her class,president of the top rotary volunteer club, and President of the dance club so she had to have leadership class which was not augmented. She also had a job teaching dance school. I guess I am just surprised that she got into USC as merit finalist and didn’t get into Cal Poly. Oh well. It wasn’t meant to be!!! Thanks for letting this mama vent!


You might share a link. There is a 3rd party entity, “Humans & University” who have no affiliation with SLO (or any college) and show up as an administrator of a SLO 2026 group. They are a business that sets up collegiate FB and IG pages to collect info from members.

Obviously she is very qualified. I am sure she will have her pick of great choices. All schools assess differently. Last year a parent here was a bit shocked when her son was waitlisted at Cal Poly when he had already been admitted early action at Stanford.


S2 got into CompE.

3.97 UW
10-12 AP’s, I think. Chem, PHY, CALC BC, Stats, CS, etc…
Average EC’s…athletic, so lots of hours spent training, then covid.

Now we are looking into trying to get there for an admitted students day. Tough to fit it all in.


Any Mech Engr accepted?

Congratulations to your daughter!

I picked apart your post to highlight attributes in her application that USC saw that SLO did not.

Each school evaluates applications differently. USC and the UCs allow a student to describe their extracurriculars and write essays that give the college additional insight into the student. SLO is more data/stat driven which is why you see people up thread calculating #years of certain subjects.


@InfoQuestMom 2 of my daughters changed their majors… one out of Bio the other City & Regional Planning… with both it took 2 quarters. Not impossible just have to petition, follow the guidelines with grades and coursework. In addition you need to be in the mix of what the GPA was of for the entering Freshman class for the major of your year.

Many kids enter college with no idea what they want to major in… with both my daughters each Chair of the dept they were transferring into was very understanding. One commented that he changed his major 4 times! Of course, transferring into some majors like Engineering would probably be difficult I imagine.


In addition you need to be in the mix of what the GPA was of for the entering Freshman class for the major of your year.

This is why some students find it difficult to change majors and also SLO has a list of majors which are closed to major changes.

  • Nutrition
  • Software Engineering
  • Computer Science (will consider applications from current CENG Majors)
  • Public Health and Kinesiology only accept inquires during Fall and Winter Quarter
  • Graphic Communication

Check back Fall 2022 for updates to this list.


@57special when was he accepted? Thx

I’m really hoping it’s another wave of acceptances sometime soon.


@Gumbymom both my daughters worked with advisors when petitioning for Change of Major, definitely important to be aware of majors that are Closed…thanks for pointing that out as well!


Yes, my son was.