Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Gotta stay up. :raised_hand:


NOPE…I have a top stats kid (4.0 UW, 1590 SAT NMF) with impressive ECs, 4 yrs of top band, 3 yrs of Jazz Band and 2 sports…he’s only got 3 accepts so far (2 safety and 1 top-UW CS), 2 rejections (Stanford and UT CS); he applied to SLO as a safety and hasn’t heard yet. This cycle is crazy. We thought CA would bring his disappointments but not SLO; yet here we are.



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Additionally, Cal Poly even rejects plenty of kids with those scores. College admission is not what is was in your day. Top schools including Cal Poly are much more competitive.


You are not alone. Many top stats kids think of Cal Poly as a safety but that is not the case.


Is it hard to get into Cal Poly SLO for electrical engineering?

My son chose Cal Poly from out of state with a very high GPA, SAT and strong ECs, because he liked the teaching philosophy for Mechanical Engineering. He had the stats to be competitive at MIT, Caltech, etc., but wasn’t interested in that type of college experience. He’s been extremely successful since graduating with a good salary and benefits, plus a patent. :wink:


Just an FYI for anyone reading this in the future, Cal Poly is never a safety for CS for anyone. This year they are expecting almost 6000 applications for 200 CS slots.


BTW, I was basing the 1500 score to 1600 max

Nor is Sd State

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It is never a safety for anyone in assorted other majors as well. Prospective students need to do their research.


My daughter is a sophomore at SLO in bioresourse engineering she already had one summer internship last year and has locked down another full time paid summer internship in Sacramento at a great company with great pay. Cal Poly teaches hands on and you start engineering classes right away.


Anyone hearing about any acceptances today?


As a parent late to the game (s22 already sent in all his apps and waiting on decisions), it helped me to look at the CalPoly freshmen stats thread to understand today’s admissions trends. I couldn’t grasp why my son was so excited about getting accepted. He is 4.0uw/4.5+/1550sat,etc so I thought slo was a safety. But apparently not his major (computer science or engineering). Not sure how to link the thread, but should be easy to find.


The final status threads that I started years ago and are now graciously maintained by @Gumbymom are linked at the top of the CP forum. They say something like Stats Only and the class. :+1:


I would say that those are the most valuable threads on CC for anybody researching potential colleges. And particularly if that research starts very early in their high school career.

Finally, Cal Poly SLO as a safety?

That’s the most amusing thing I’ve heard so far this year…


“That’s the most amusing thing I’ve heard so far this year…”

I agree but it is a widespread notion. My sons have two friends who thought is was a safety last year. Neither was accepted. One is now at Berkeley and the other is at Davis with a Regents scholarship.


It’s tricky with “safeties.” Admissions reviewers may reject students who are considered high stats for that school knowing they likely have many other options (theoretically)… in relation to other factors.


Definitely! I found them when DS was a sophomore and I checked them out for all of the CS, CE, and SE results across each of the last few years. It was maddening to see the rejections and waitlists for so many high-stat kids. But it definitely helped us put his chances in perspective. That’s why I hope everyone who only posted their stats in here will copy them into the stats thread too.

The other “Gold” threads for SLO applicants are the old detailed explanations of the MCA. I used those as a bible to verify DS was hitting the marks he needed (and making absolutely sure the CSU application was categorizing things correctly since that matters so much. (ie. his AP CS classes counted as a math for one and a science for the other))

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