Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

You might be able to work that out to at least a general degrees using this. I forget what the yield rate is for that college but I think @Gumbymom generally suggests 33% yield to give you an idea. So just look at the projected number of spots they want to fill with First Time Freshmen and compare to the number of apps. Presumably this year’s numbers are similar:

Ah thanks. But I was more interested in knowing if we’ll hear back by Wednesday of next week (either way).


Based on previous years, you could get an acceptance back before next Wednesday, but no decision on waitlist or rejection.

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That I cannot help you with :grinning:

If SLO is one of your D’s top choice schools and you are in the area, I would visit if you have time.

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Good luck with upcoming admission decisions, everybody! Once your student has been offered admission and you post their acceptance stats here, you should request to join the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents Facebook group. It’s a fantastic resource! Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents | Facebook


We are not local all, in fact a good six hour drive away. We are on our way to tour Riverside (9 hours away) on on Thursday and was wondering if we’d know about SLO by Wednesday so we could book a room and stay the night.

It looks like it’s unlikely we’ll hear back by Wednesday which is fine.

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If you have time could you write about your experience after your visit in the UCR thread? UCM is 1.5 hours away but UCR is about 5 or 6. I don’t think we would drive there unless we are accepted by another college in SoCal. Someone mentioned the town being 909 but I don’t understand what that means.

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909 I believe is the San Bernardino - Riverside area code?

My advice is to visit. I turned down the opportunity to visit the Univerity of Michigan because I was certain I wouldn’t get in and I came back from my trip to find my acceptance letter.

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The term 909 goes back to the 714/909 area code split in the early 90s. Orange County kept the 714, Riverside/San Bernardino got the new 909. Right or wrong, 714 became synonymous with upscale beach living and 909 became synonymous with hicks and horses. Episodes of the show ‘The OC’ depicted this. I am from a solidly 909 town so I am very aware of the perceived stereotypes.


The “909” refers to the phone area code of the Inland Empire/Riverside County. It has a bit of reputation, at least for kids from Orange County. :grin:


“909” is an insult people from OC use to refer to inland areas like riverside and San Bernardino. Much like Bay Area folks look down on Fresno. Ignore it. UCR is a nice campus and it’s not that far inland.

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In the event that SLO might be preparing to start releasing today and end up holding off, this could be part of the delay. Looks like the rain will be pretty severe in that area.

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That is so true and, for those of us that have older students already there, we of course want everyone to be safe.

I live in the Sacramento area and the whole state is getting the river treatment. Nuts.


Here in the Bay Area last night I was worried our windows were going to blow in. Hoping the SLO and all other college campuses are holding strong. The word of communities around Santa Cruz was pretty dire last night (evacuations, etc.) Fortunately that campus is up on high ground! Wishing everyone safety from storms and good luck in their decision portals!


Anywhere in SC mountains is iffy during storms like this… mudslides, downed trees, washed out roads, downed power lines, etc. Good luck all and stay safe!


As of now Cal Poly SLO campus is open today. However based on the communication my freshman daughter is getting, it would not be surprising if several staff arent in the office today. Maybe a delay for us?


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