Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Daughter Admitted 3/10/23 - Checked portal first ~5:00 pm PT
SLO GPA: 4.4 /Unweighted GPA 4.0
Number of A-G classes: 20.5
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses: 7
EC hours and with leadership: Club sports 16-20 hrs
EC hours job related: Work, 6-10 hrs not major related
Major: Graphic Communication
In-State/OOS/International: In-State San Diego
Email from Cal Poly came through @ 7:43 pm.

Many thanks to all the contributors on this forum. Especially @Gumbymom thank you for your dedication to helping others.


My son is hoping! His twin bro was admitted yesterday into Biology.


My son got in yesterday for History


Have they posted the decision for Biomedical Engineering yet?

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Yes there have been several Bioengineering admits.

If we haven’t heard anything yet, does it imply rejection?

High probability of Waitlist or Denial based on their historical decision pattern.

Thanks for your prompt responses!

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Not to sound bitter (which I guess I am :sob:) but of all the colleges I’ve applied to, SLO seems to have the most inexplicable decisions rolling out process. Like no other college seems to do it this way? Acceptances, then waitlists, then rejections. Over weeks!


Any in-state Architecture acceptances?

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D23 instate was admitted to SW engineering. 4.0, 4.29UC, 4.60W
15 AP’s, 5’s on all taken so far. top 1% in class of 650 (i know UC only looks at only top 9%)
NMF, should get the national scholar scholarship at SLO. I think $3k/year
Good come back after being waitlisted UD CS.


Yes, I saw someone posted on FB, her daughter is in-state (architecture)

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I meant UCD CS waitlisted. just to confirm

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Many of the Cal states have a drawn out rolling admission process.

SDSU admitted some applicants early in January but the majority of decisions including Waitlist/Denials have not posted.

Cal Poly Pomona has been trickling out their decisions since Late February and many applicants still have not heard.


Is there any financial information in the acceptance? Where do you look?
Thank you

Definitely noticing a pattern here with yesterday’s acceptances – both for SLO & UC Davis – of reported unweighted GPAs of 3.9 or 4.0, but very few lower. Whew! Tough.

My kiddo is among those who didn’t hear back. Considering all the metrics: CAASP, ELC, 9-12 grades, lots of A-G, weighted GPA above 4.0, etc. etc, I know SLO is never assured, but it also seemed a real possibility. Guessing their unweighted GPA of 3.8+ was a deciding factor?


I think what SDSU, Pomona, Cal Poly Humboldt etc are doing is what I would expect colleges with rolling admissions process go about their business. But SLO is not rolling admissions as far as I know ? Also, based on historical pattern, this has been consistent behavior : acceptances, waitlist, denials. So, they’ve already made their decisions. Wonder why they are prolonging it then.


My neighbors daughter graduated last year from SLO with Construction Management major. She had incredible internships all through her time a Cal Poly (even during the pandemic) and had a job lined up before graduating. She currently works in SF and doing FANTASTIC.


Why delay? The million dollar question.


Congrats! Would you mind posting the rest of his stats? A-G years, extra curriculars, job etc. Thanks!