Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

My son had a 3.95 unweighted GPA and a 4.28 CSU GPA and didn’t get in either. I’m honestly unsure of what they were looking for. Because of the nature of their application and the fact that they don’t require any elaboration or fact checking on the hours reported for extra-curriculars I wonder how many kids inflate that information. I prefer the UC application…I feel like it allows for a much better picture of the student and their merits.


My in-state S23 has an unweighted 3.97 GPA. Not admitted. :woman_shrugging:


CM is an awesome major. My 2nd son is currently a 3rd year CM major and has his third internship lined up this summer. Just an amazing program. My oldest graduated CP last year as finance major. Landed a great job but way more work to find work in the Business dept. 3rd son just accepted. Blessed for sure. Chose less impacted major. Best advice from experts here (Gumby etc) over the years has helped.

D’s classmate has got for MEng (instate, Bay Area)

D23 accepted for business administration yesterday. Unweighted gpa 3.9, weighted 4.1, lots of EC. In state (Bay Area)

Rejected from UCD yesterday.

Is SLO known to have a good business program?

There are so many factors for both admittance/denials, I can’t begin to guess.
I’m just noting one of the consistent details that all the admits seem to have in common, at least here on CC.

I hope all our students have great options by end of March.


Daughter got in 3/10 to public health
instate-Nor Cal
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.38 (I think)
DE,A, IB and honors classes -yes
EC hours with leadership or job related -yes
Top 9%
Other campuses accepted so far- SDSU (early), UCSC (early), UC Davis, U of Oregon (honors college), CSU Chico, Western Washington (WUE)


So sorry did you actually get a letter stating not admitted? We still show undetermined.

Only UCR, UCM and UCSC have smaller undergraduate numbers than SLO, and it looks like many (if not most) of the same students who applied to SLO also applied to one or more UC, so you have to concede that ultimately, it’s just about number of available seats vs. number of highly qualified applicants wanting to attend. SLO is on the smaller side as state schools go, and unfortunately, there’s not room for everyone.

Congratulations to all those accepted! And sympathy to those who still wait… :heart:

No… just the same status as before and expecting waitlist/rejection in coming weeks.
-Mr. PToady

Curious if OOS (out of state) kids have a tougher bar to meet for acceptance?

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OOS applicants are in a different application pool vs. in-state but unfortunately SLO does not breakout stats for IS vs. OOS so it is difficult to determine. In general, there are less OOS applicants which could lead to less competition.


I applied for aerospace engineering and have not heard back from cal poly yet, anyone else same boat?

Yes our son has not heard as well, also applied for aerospace engineering

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I was admitted. Checked my portal at about 6pm and got an email at about 7pm
SLO GPA (9-11th a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point cap for 10-11th eligible classes): 3.95
Number of A-G classes: 30 (I think)
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses: 13
EC hours and with leadership or job related: 12, yes leadership, 3 job
Major: Forest and Fire Sciences
In-State/OOS/International: In state


Congrats and impressive stats!!! My daughter and her roommate are 1st year Software Engineering majors so let me know if you have any questions.

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Yes - son applied to aero - has not heard anything yet. Stats are in my earlier post above.

@Gumbymom would know, but I think with the CalStates, it’s three separate pool of students:

a) Local (i.e. local to SLO)
b) CA Resident
c) Non-CA Resident

I think a) have it the easiest (as they should given a purpose of the CalStates is to support students who are local) then b) and c). I’m very surprised my 3.8/4.15 student go in as she is firmly in b).

Good point. Maybe they do it this way since some students decline the acceptance, and then less kids waitlisted and rejected?

Cal poly has a target enrollment of X for OOS (want to say 17%) and so depending upon number of OOS applications it could actually be easier to get in OOS.