Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

University of Arizona has a $30,000 merit scholarship for students with a 4.0 GPA. I believe that brings the OOS tuition to about the same as UC cost for California resident.

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Yes, but with a 4.0, you can get into a UC. Unless, you really want to go to Tucson. :slightly_smiling_face:

When they calculated my daughter’s GPA, they did not give her any extra points for AP classes she took, so she missed out on any significant scholarship money. She should have had applied to in-state schools instead.


University of Arizona is a great school. I’ve got a kid there right now. If you can get a solid merit scholarship there’s no reason not to consider it.

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We liked it a lot but it didn’t offer my daughter any significant financial merit awards. She ended up at Chapman, which although is a private school, gave her enough merit scholarships to be cheaper than going to U of A.


Let’s keep this discussion focused on Cal Poly SLO.

If you want to discuss the pros and cons of other options, I suggest starting a new thread.


Good luck with so many tough decisions everyone! Once your student has been offered admission and you post their acceptance stats here, you should request to join the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents Facebook group. It’s a fantastic resource! (Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents | Facebook). Be sure to answer their member screening questions when you request to join.


I genuinely can’t imagine who cares if there are two posts about another school. Especially if you’ve got kids accepted at each school so you have a perspective on each option.

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Recruited athlete as in she knows she’s been accepted but still has not received official word?

I’m confident she will get accepted, yes. True. Nothing official yet. That’s why I believe people should be hopeful another acceptance wave is coming.

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Not to be a downer but SLO has been pretty consistent with their admission patterns (13 years of following SLO admissions). There could be another wave for specialized programs or applicants like last year but historically the bulk of admits have probably been posted.

As I have bern stating, Hope for the Best but prepare for other outcomes.


Strange she wouldn’t have been in the first batch. What I would give to get a behind the scenes look at their process and reasoning.


How does your daughter like Chapman? My son was admitted to their CS program with a scholarship that makes the cost less than a UC but more than a CSU. He’s still deciding what school to attend.

Thank you for sharing your info!

Does SLO usually release decisions on Fridays? There are several kids on the Reddit saying they got in on the 18th last year, a week after the initial admissions drop. Would this be portfolio admits? They are adamant there is a second wave.

Thanks for your input! Don’t know much about cal poly business school as I’ve only heard about the stellar stem programs there.

Did this major require portfolio that was due March 1st, like Art Major?

SLO has released on Thursdays or Fridays. I heard about some admits trickling out after the 1st wave last year but most were admitted on the 10th put did not post until later. SLO has been known to change it up and last year the portfolio based decisions came out later than usual in the 24th. I do not follow all social media so yes anything is possible.


UW takes very few in state for Com Sci and those they take are diverse my son got into UW but not into CS and he had high stats a 34 ACT
Class pres wrote a book published an app varsity sports class senate tons of community service 9 AP classes the list goes on kids with lower stats in state got in direct entrance . My son got into cal poly UC Davis TAMU and 6 others with great merit . UW was not a top choice for him as he wants to go OOS .hope everyone is happy where they land and it’s sure a frustrating process :blush:

SLO posted some transfer admits around March 18th so maybe that is what you saw.

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I’ll pm you as to not distract from the cal poly conversation here.