Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Yes, that is an official admit. Congratulations. Can you post major and stats? Sometimes emails end in the Junk folder so the student should always check the portal.

So is there anything we can do or is it just an auto-reject?

Thank you, yes he has now found the email in Spam. Thank you all, that would have gone undetected!
GPA 3.92? Not sure exactly where it landed with the CSU calculations
Experiential Management


In the past, Cal Poly’s Multiple Criteria for Admissions (MCA) calculation included a bonus for additional math semesters, up to 10 total semesters (5 years) of math. We don’t know exactly how Cal Poly currently weights math semesters in the calculation, but I think it’s quite possible that it still maxes out at 5 years. @Tnahha I’m guessing that your son would have maxed out the 5 years with 8th grade math and 4 years of HS math. @ilovedogs2 did your student’s application include 4 or 5 years of total math reported?

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SLO does not allow changes to the application regarding academic history once submitted. It is not an auto reject but those extra Math classes and FL classes from Middle school help with rigor points. Again, this is up to speculation based on the MCA criteria from 2013. No one knows if they still have the bonus points.

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For my daughter, it included 4 years however on their website it states that Algebra I and Algebra II , along with Geometry I think, must be completed in those years of math and that they will take middle school coursework to fill that requirement. My daughter took Algebra I in 8th grade, however forgot to submit it along with her application.

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My D22 found out she was accepted at the same time the waitlist was posted to portals last year. She logged in assuming she was WL but was actually accepted. There was a handful of other admits posted on CC that day also but have no clue how many were actually accepted. D had been checking her portal almost daily since the first big wave so she wasn’t accepted earlier and missed it. Her portal was updated on 3/18 and her acceptance email was sent and dated 3/18. There is a small sliver of hope but just keep it in perspective it was very small wave acceptances.


Just for all the posters here is an article in the Mustang New from 2020 but still even more valid today with increases in the SLO applications:


@Nkanelakos was your daughter in state or OOS? I saw several OOS admitted last year with the waitlist wave on 3/18, but was curious if any in state?


If your daughter reported 4 years of math instead of 5 years, this wouldn’t be an auto reject, as 4 years would still have met and exceeded minimum requirements for math (3 years). It would just mean that she may have missed out on a potential admission bonus for the 5th year of math (assuming that is how it still works!)

Cal Poly includes many factors in the MCA. The recommended number of years can give a bonus, but other academic factors can balance this out. For example, my son was admitted with 4 years of English, instead of the recommended 5 years of English. Hope it works out in the end for your daughter too.

Cal Poly posted course requirements:

She is OOS but thought there were a couple of instate posted on other social media but could be wrong since it’s been a year. Only other admits after that were portfolio admits and WL applicants admitted much later after rejections posted.

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Just for my piece of mind, I went through through the Class of 2026 CC discussion and I saw 2 acceptances that were posted 1 on Facebook and 1 on Twitter (second hand) but were not confirmed for March 17. Also saw several late post of admits from March 10 but not posted until March 17-18. Then on March 18 10:50 am, waitlist decisions started posting.
Between the waitlist decisions, I saw 4 admits in which 2 were identified as OOS but the other 2 did not indicate IS or OOS.

Most admits do not post on any of the social media sites so there is always a possibility that more acceptances will trickle out within the next week. Just trying to keep the hope alive…


If there is room available in Merced, your daughter will get an offer from Merced at the end of this month. Based on my son’s experience, he was waitlisted at Davis and San Diego last year. He decided to wait for the waitlists and luckily was accepted to Davis.


I think Cal Poly SLO’s fairly new “recommendation” to take 5 years of English and 5 years of math during high school in order to have a better chance of admission needs to be taken very, very seriously. I don’t agree with that particularly (I encouraged my teens to take a wide variety of electives in high school, and in some public high schools in CA it would be hard to find extra elective English classes and so DE or online summer classes might be needed). Interestingly, my DD (admitted to Cal Poly SLO Friday) did happen to take 5 years of English and 5 years of math during high school (by coincidence really, in the case of English due to a pandemic “remote learning” related reason/problem only, and in the case of math because her middle school didn’t allow acceleration and so she doubled up on math as a soph, and not because either she or I knew of this new recommendation).


I can’t tell if someone already answered to make this point, so I’m sorry if I’m repeating. Psych is one of the hardest admits at SLO vis a vis number of slots vs applications. It’s way under 10%. Sorry :cry:


The recommendation for 5 years of English, is not that new. It has been in existence for at least the last 11 years.


The mom you are replying to was talking about an older child (who is already in college).


I think we also established early in this thread that also 8th Grade Algebra 1 (which at least in our district is universal) counts as a year of math. So it’s really about getting one more English class through DE or doubling up at your HS. I didn’t know about that for this year’s applicant (and fortunately it didn’t matter bc she was applying to a not-so-selective major in Anthropology), but I’ll remember it for kid #3 who comes along much later!


(EDIT — see my comment a few below this one. I wasn’t right. You DO want to list it on the application. But you don’t actually have to have taken “Algebra 1” in order to list it as an 8th Grade class. So long as you test or place into Geometry in 9th, you can list Algebra 1 as having been taken in MS.)

I watched a short slide show posted above somewhere that mentions that you get the “assumed” credit for math that would have been taken before HS if, for example, you took Geometry starting in 9th grade. They will give you that extra credit for MS math even if you don’t report it. This is NOT true for LOTE, I don’t think.

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Are you sure this was for Cal Poly / the CSUs? Or for UCs?