Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

I know there are several who have posted on the Cal Poly Parents FB page that their kid got in for Mathematics.

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I have seen some posted on the instagram page where students post their bios and looking for roommates.

Nope, I’m wrong having just rewatched. What I should have said is that you don’t actually have to have TAKEN an Algebra 1 class in 8th grade in order to list it as a course you took. If you placed into Geometry as a 9th grader, regardless of whether or not you took Algebra 1 as a formal course prior, you can list it as “Pass/Pass” in 8th grade for credit. It’s around minute 5 in this:


My friend’s son got into Child Development.


For those who are questioning how courses should have been listed on the application.

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I disagree regarding Texas. We are a CA family who got a fantastic deal at a TX public. Texas allows students to obtain residency after the first year. TX is definitely subsidizing S21’s college education.


FWIW, my in state kid was accepted as a traditional humanities major on Friday with a well below 4.0 weighted GPA and average activities. When I read the incredible resumes and talents of kids who were denied, I can only guess a few things as to why my kid was accepted:

  1. Demonstrated excellence in the chosen major - grades, AP test score, recs
  2. Great essay
  3. Rigorous public school
  4. Nerdy, but not STEM nerdy, so would add something different to the mix of students

Honestly, it gave me a little hope for this crazy California system that seems to be so driven by GPA. Some smart kids who don’t love all of high school and can’t offer up their SAT/ACT scores to prove their potential feel left out in their own state - like they’ll never get in anywhere “good” with their GPA. This acceptance makes me think they actually evaluated my kid beyond just their GPA.


SLO does not consider AP scores, essays or LOR’s. Congratulations on her acceptance.

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Congratulations to your student.

Cal Poly SLO (and the CSUs) do not ask for letters of recommendation or essays.

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Well, then I have no idea what I’m talking about, and this acceptance was as random as anything else.

Thanks, but this is depressing then because it’s all a crapshoot.


Not going to disagree that your student sounds competitive but some of what you state that sets your student apart does not factor into SLO admission criteria. I think parents are trying to understand why their equally accomplished students are still waiting for a decision. Best of luck to her and did not mean to offend.


You didn’t offend at all! I’m truly disheartened by the randomness for everyone.


While no one can say for sure, my guess is that the major she applied to played a part in her acceptance.

D23 applied to a major with I believe something like 24 spaces, where SLO anticipated over 685 applicants. Even offering entry at triple the spaces (75) that’s a 10% admit rate.

Congrats to her!


Acceptance at SLO is all about the major you apply under. You will see far lower stats for majors like agriculture than you will for computer science and engineering. Presumably cal poly still uses an algorithm to score the application and then you make the cut or don’t for your major.


In the case of the SLO and other CSUs it really matters how competitive the major is to which your child is applying. I did the math for my daughter’s proposed major and was able to predict that she had a pretty decent chance of acceptance based on the fact that they are trying to enroll 35 new Anthropology majors as “first time freshmen” (FTF) and only maybe 225 kids would have applied based on historical patterns. Knowing that they need to admit more than 100 (in fact closer to 140 since I’m aware that the yield rate within that college is about 1 in 4 who attend among those admitted), I knew she had a high chance. (Edited to clarify: that is not WHY she chose to apply to Anthropology. It’s the closest to what she thinks she wants to study and SLO doesn’t let you apply broadly, undeclared like the UCs do.) But if she had applied for psychology…it would have been much much less certain. So perhaps Humanities is a less competitive major. Congratulations to your daughter!


Thank you and to yours!

Our son applied to only one CA school. The application was a nightmare. The Common App was so seemless for all his other schools. You in California really need to petition your higher Ed system to get rid of your application. Although I’m sure it deters thousands upon thousands of more OOS applicants. So…it probably should stay in your best interest. It’s a nightmare though.

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The UC application, you mean? I actually much prefer the PIQs and Awards and Activities section on the UC App to the essay and Activities sections on the Common App. I think you can convey a fuller picture of yourself as an applicant. :woman_shrugging:t2:


D got in on Friday - Business. W Gpa 4.87, UW 3.98 6 years of math (took 2 compaction classes the year her hs switched to block to avoid having a long break in math sequence), 4 years English, 4 APs, 9 DE, all honors, AP or DE electives, lots of Community service, EC - with leadership positions, and Girl Scout Gold Award (equivalent to Eagle). so far also got into UCSC, Chapman, LMU, USD, SCU (with 25-35k Merit aid)