Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

D accepted to BA Theatre Arts
gpa 3.9uw/4.2 w

I think you are right. My daughter’s advisor REALLY emphasized NOT to forget high school math taken in middle school.

I have 5 years of English, 5 years of math including multivariable calculus, and associates degree in Econ at CC (I think my social sciences was something like “42 years” on the CSU app, (almost)max rigor at my hs (11 APs out of 13 offered), 4.7 weighted GPA, and apparently rejected/waitlisted :sob: for Economics major (which I presume is not as competitive as CS etc).

Can someone point me to where you sign up or rsvp for the admitted student open house? I clicked the link someone posted and see all the programming but don’t see where we actually sign up. Thank yoi

I am sorry! That is crazy.

Do you have a citation for that that’s an amazing statistic showing that it is purely Financial driven. Not diversity or holistic consideration

What universities wait listed you?

Daughter accepted - Major - Poli Sci
UW GPA - 3.96
W GPA - 4.75
AP - 9


Forum Champion Note

Just a reminder to all posters. If you have been admitted and are posting stats, please note the date you received your decision. There a many anxious applicants waiting to hear about another wave of decisions.

Thank you.


I’m sorry you haven’t heard good news yet. Are you sure about this? I would think that this means you would have been taking (on top of all of the rest of your HS classes) 10 social science/history courses PER YEAR during each of the 4 years of high school? If so and that’s not right, this could have triggered something in your application review and you might want to look into that/contact admissions.

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Ugh sorry it was late and I misremembered. It was 42 years total, not just for social studies. Also, I haven’t had any new portal updates since Friday.

Rejected by UC Davis on Friday, California resident. Accepted to UT Austin on Feb 1. Those are the only 3 I’ve heard so far. Waiting on 15 more :scream:


Thanks for clarifying. Hoping you get good news soon from another school if not SLO! UT seems like a great acceptance to have in hand!

You can play around with the data yourself here. I’m not sure I would agree with the characterization that it’s wholly financial, though that’s certainly one element. And the systemwide growth happens closer to 2011. Freshman fall admissions summary | University of California

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Congratulations on UT. Great school and great town!

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. But can you clarify how you calculated the 4.7 gpa? My understanding is that in a high school career you’ll do roughly 32 courses, i.e. approximately 8 courses per year with each being two semesters like an AP class.

So if eleven of these 32 are AP classes and assuming you aced everything I get the following GPA.

(11 x 5 + 21 x 4)/32 = 4.34 not 4.7

Congrats! Friday or more recently?

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Do you know when? That’s the major we’re waiting for. Thanks!

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From SLO via text to me if it helps anyone: No, not all Admissions decisions have been released. They will continue in small batches through to April 1st.


My daughter applied for Communications, after reading through the thread I don’t believe I’ve seen any acceptance posts for this major. Has anyone heard back for Communications?