Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Same statement they put out each year. I will emphasize “decisions” not specifically Acceptances.


From SLO as I asked them back: No, acceptances may be released any time between now and April 1st.

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The total number of classes is going to vary by high school. Does your high school have 8 regular periods in the school day?

Our high school has 6 regular periods in the school day, which leaves limited space for electives. My kids both take orchestra during the school day, so every year they have English, math, social studies, science, foreign language, and orchestra. They don’t have any space in their schedules to double up on English or science, or to add another elective such as CS, robotics, fine art, etc.


The sign up link has not been posted on their website yet

The parents on the Facebook page said it was great! They convinced me, we changed our dates going so we could be there :blush:

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Budget cut summary here: 08.28.2009 - The Budget Squeeze (many decent articles still online, but most in-depth are behind paywall… so just including a summary)

Enrollment change here (select years and by-residency in drop down menus): Undergraduate admissions summary | University of California

The change happened over the few years following the budget cuts and varied from campus to campus. OOS/Intl admitted freshmen enrollment was ~4-5% in the decade prior to the budget crisis. UC increased tuition and fees and furloughed staff (among other measures) to make ends meet in 2009, and then things went crazy the following years amid the backlash/chaos. System-wide freshmen enrollment for Intl/OOS the 5 years following (starting from 2010) were: 8%, 12%, 15%, 17%, 21%. UC Berkeley *(one that always had higher OOS draw), went from 11% OOS/Intl enrollment in 2009 to 25% in 2010, to 34% in 2011.

Maybe an admin wants to chime in on the timing on full adoption of holistic admissions and the move to test-optional and test-blind admissions… IIRC, holistic admissions was 2004ish, and test optional policy was in response to COVID, but could be wrong.


That is correct. There MAY be a few more acceptances released by SLO. But if history is any indication, the vast majority of acceptances have been released.

It was certainly more gradual at most schools. I believe 2009 would be the first incoming class to feel an impact (staff furloughs, larger class sizes, higher tuition/fees) and that 2010 would show the first signs of changing admission/enrollment policies. My opinion is that UCB led the way with a huge increase in OOS/Intl in a single year and other schools followed when it became crystal clear that the state was not resolving the issue and that they were on their own.

Oops I didn’t even realize we are in the SLO thread. To get back on topic, I would be curious to see if and when there was a bump in OOS and International interest in Cal Poly SLO. My feeling is that there has been a real reputational pull to SLO over the past decade.


Suggest moving this thread to UC admissions topic or another… off-topic here.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2023

Checked on Saturday. Update was only on the portal. No email.


Perhaps check spam folders. There was an email sent to my daughter on Friday evening.

My DS was admitted last week but I have a financial aid question. I have heard that Cal Poly provides a small scholarship to National Recognition Scholars (My son is an African American National Recognition Scholar). Can anyone confirm if that is true and when financial aid information typically is released by Cal Poly? Nothing in the portal so far… Thank you.

Yes for National Scholars, in the past it was a a $3000 renewable scholarship.You had to email them proof and send in the award certificate.

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Looking at the results posted, most(if not all) who got admitted to SLO have a UW GPA > 3.9. It is hard on kids who have a rough transition to high school and consequently have a few B’s in 9th grade. But it is a transparent process.

FWIW, this site skews higher stat applicants and it also tends to skew towards physical sciences, CS and Engineering applicants.


My daughter was accepted and has a 3.75 UW GPA. She has some good extra-curriculars but not a ton (compared to the very impressive resumes I’ve seen on this thread). We’re in-state and she applied for Business Admin.

TBH - I feel like it’s a crap shoot. It’s hard to explain how all the decisions are made. I went through this a couple of years ago with my son who had a much higher GPA, tons of APs and impressive ECs. He applied for CS, but was rejected by ALL schools in California he applied to.


The broader point i wanted to make was about the decision to use 9th grade GPA which other public schools in CA do not use. Is this a deliberate decision by SLO to perhaps be different and influence yield? (not sure how)


Cal Poly SLO has always prided themselves in being different. Up until 2017, they were the only CSU campus that offered Early Decision as an option. They have refused for years to convert from a quarter based system to a semester system like the rest of the CSU’s. So for them to consider 9th grades in their GPA calculation is just another quirk in their overall admission philosophy. :grinning: