Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Daughter got her admitted info this morning (think she logged into portal; don’t think she got an email.)

Stats are:

Interdisciplinary Major
UW GPA 3.86; Wtd GPA 4.19
Highly rigorous AP Capstone program at her HS
8 APs/7 Honors
In-state (So Cal)
Heavy school/community-based service EC (non traditional EC)


@reenielo Congratulations do your D. So did she check her portal Friday? Trying to determine if she was admitted today or Friday?


She checked her portal this morning about 9am. She’s been out all day (school then a friends’ house) so I haven’t gotten the details on whether she just just checked it on her own or heard from others that acceptances were coming out. Will post again once I can get some details. LOL


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: UW, Cal Poly SLO or UC Davis?

Fantastic. So was my daughter.

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Would love to hear when she heard! And congrats

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congrats to her

I applied under psychology and have not heard from cal poly either. I’m hoping that no one who applied for the psychology program has heard back because otherwise it’s not good news for me.

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I haven’t heard of anyone getting in for psych yet. I applied for psych and it says no determination has been made.

There have been some Psych admits.


He was admitted the afternoon of March 10th.

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My in-state son was admitted on Friday 3/10. His major is sports management under Parks/Rec in Ag College.


My daughter has not heard about psychology either. I called the college and spoke to the admissions office yesterday, and they very clearly said to me that they are still admitting students all the way until the end of April, including psychology students. They are not finished. I don’t know how many that means they are going to admit, and he could not tell me how many admits there would be in relation to how many they were last Friday, but he was adamant that there is not only one wave of admits. So you can go by what people are saying has historically happened, or you can go by what the admissions office is saying. We are holding onto hope. I know of one instead, and one out of state admission to the psychology major.


there were, not they were


in state! Gosh, is there an edit button on this thing? I can’t find one.


Thank you for posting, as I have twins that are still waiting to hear! :grin:

Cal Poly has max weighted gpa cap of 4.2 I believe. A-G classes being completed are much more important than having a super high gpa.

The maximum GPA cap of 4.2 is no longer valid. Look at the Freshman profile admit GPA ranges.

I called the admissions office about this back in October to ask. With the maximum number of additional bumps you can get for AP/honors credits, it seemed like taking more classes would actually lower your GPA because it dilutes the extra bumps. The person I talked to said to ignore that because they look overall at all of the classes you take, and more classes looks better even if ultimately that does lower the weighted GPA. Also, she said that her impression was that the maximum GPA the way their weighting works was 4.25.


I see admits with nothing but weighted GPA’s of 4.0 or more. Just curious are there any admits with GPA’s below a weighted 4.0?