Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

But from what I heard, most kids who got in now know. Sorry to all who missed out!

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That’s what I learned from the forum

I heard that as well, and I think history does sometimes speak for itself, but the admissions office employee was adamant that it was not true. I take it with a grain of salt, but we are holding out hope.


My daughter (3.96 UW / 4.4 UC W) got into Davis and not into CalPoly :woman_shrugging:t3:.

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Is anyone else currently getting the error message that the Cal Poly admissions portal is currently down?


Reports of power outages in the SLO area due to the winter storm.

I think it’s cruel that Cal Poly Slo rolls out decisions like this. If they care about the kids mental health they would release all decisions the same day or at least tbe same week!


Same noise here. My daughter 4.0/4.28/4.60 got into Cal Poly SW Eng but didn’t get into Davis CS. (we’re near Davis too). The frustrating thing is she was denied UT Austin & UW both of which say their CS OOS admit is ~3% vs. 20-25% in state. When you look at 2022 Davis admits by high school/state it looks like admit rate for CA is ~30%, WA ~60%, TX ~60% (All Majors). It’s a headscratcher, thrilled she was accepted at SLO though.

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I wonder whether it’s this geographical diversity. They must have tons of local candidate supplying and they don’t want all of the Davis freshman to be from northern Cal. I wonder that’s also why so many people from northern Cal got into Cal Poly

Hey Dogs. I reached out to admissions. They said that failure to list the (required) Algebra 1 would not disqualify the applicant. Kind of a bummer, I was hoping that was the reason he hasn’t heard. :slight_smile:

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We was concerned as well last year when D22 was applying, she had taken 8 DE classes and it was weighing down the GPA. I do think the extra courses helped her even if GPA was lower. She is very happy at Cal Poly!


I agree! I’d be interested to hear why Cal Poly Slo drags out the process the way they do especially when their admission process is not organic at all like the UC’s!

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Does anyone know if aerospace majors have heard back from SLO?

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what is the history like for slo admissions is that it or will there be more acceptances?

The AO could be telling the truth–more admissions are coming in March–if one group waiting to hear (formally) are the athletic recruits.

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As a mom of 3 kids so far who’ve navigated the bureaucracy of college, get used actually to colleges not being as caring about students’ “mental health” as much as one might think. . .but I’m going to give Cal Poly SLO the benefit of the doubt that they have their reasons for releasing decisions this way.


Portfolio-based majors definitely have not yet heard (music and art). Hoping some more good news is coming. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Hi everyone
We’re still waiting to hear for my daughter.
Has anyone actually been rejected yet or wait listed?
Also any biology major acceptance?