Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Historically, a wave of admits, then a wave of waitlists and then a wave of denials. Only admits have heard so far.

Not sure that music is a later wave like the art portfolio students. My son heard on March 10th for music and I know I saw that another music major was admitted in the parent group.

is it one wave of each?

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Hello I haven’t heard back yet, has anyone who applied under EESS (Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences) received an acceptance yet?

For Last year, there were a few admits during the waitlist wave (mainly OOS) but usually a wave of each. Portfolio based majors heard in a separate admit wave between the waitlists and denials for last year.

No posts on this discussion thread. You might want to check Reddit, Facebook or ZeeMee.

Oh interesting! Thanks for the update. I was under the impression that portfolio majors came later. My daughter’s friend who applied in Art has yet to hear back but is hoping!

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Thank you for all your patient advice.

I know art portfolios were submitted well after the music auditions took place. Maybe that’s why they hear back earlier? I have seen in historical threads that music heard back with the general admit wave and art portfolio was a later decision, so this follows that trend!


My daughter applied Art and has not heard back yet. advisor said Art majors will hear later than other majors as they had to review their portfolios. fingers crossed!

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And they literally just submitted their portfolio’s March 1. Anyone know how many students are asked to submit portfolios?

I would love to know that as well!

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Yes, my daughter was admitted for biology and I saw several others on Reddit.

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My daughter was accepted into psych, in state. CSU GPA was 4.06. Total course years 30.5 with 8 AP/6 H/4 DE. Lots of leadership ECs and work part-time. As one poster said earlier, her GPA got diluted with the more course load she took over the minimum of 15 years. I also called last Nov, and the admission representative I spoke to said they recalculate the GPA and they look at coursework and rigor.


Same here. Mine has a 4.4 Weighted GPA, but it was diluted by Junior College classes.


Sorry it’s taken me a day to get back on this. My daughter didn’t get an email. She just decided to check her portal yesterday morning b/c she had heard from other seniors at her school that decisions had come out.

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Same with my son!

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One of my daughters applied for that same major and has not heard back.


Dialing back to the thread to see if some applicants are getting decisions this week. My son was accepted last Friday but my friend’s daughter who applied to CS has heard nothing.
Some other discussion also caught my attention. First, is 5 years of English really required? My son just did 4 years within his high school. Our counselor never mentioned this. He does have 5 years of math including Algebra 1 taken in middle school. School counselor did say that students should report that.
I also heard about GPA dilution with taking extra CC classes, as this was the case for my friend’s daughter who ended up denied by SJSU for CS. Does Cal poly publish a similar point calculation and cutoff for different majors like SJSU?

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Cal Poly already posted financial aid, check the portal.