Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Last year they posted the 1st admit wave on Thursday March 10th , followed by the waitlists on Friday March 18th with very few admits, then portfolio major admits on Thursday March 24th and finally denials on Wednesday March 30th. You should receive an email with 3-4 hours after your portal decision updates. Check the portal or wait for an email (also check Junk/spam folder) as often as you feel comfortable.

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My son’s (aerospace applicant) full stats are above in this thread. Not admitted (likely waitlist or rejected). 3.97 UW, 4.23 SLO GPA, 4.68 fully weighted. Tons of APs, ECs, etc. In state- Bay Area. Super super bummed. :confused:

(I went to SLO and loved it!)


Thanks. Not sure why he’s even checking daily. He’s totally happy to go to SDSU where he got admitted in January. He just wants to know. I don’t know why the California schools wait so long. My daughter thought her 1st choice was SDSU or CP but by the time she heard from them (2018), she got wooed away by a school that marketed themselves better and admitted her early.


My heart goes out to you! Looked at the stats you posted, amazing! What does a kid have to do these day! I am already stressing out and my son has not even applied yet. Fingers crossed they somehow have another round or he gets in on a wait list!

The email came last night at 7pm. She is in state. It gives me hope; my 4.4 GPA son (early SDSU admit) still hasn’t heard. :frowning:


delete - bad hearsay!


I’ve called the admissions office twice this week, and I have spoken to two different admissions officers (I wanted confirmation). Each admissions officer told me that they are still reviewing applications, and they are admitting people all the way through the end of the month. I was told today that notice could come any day at any time of day. They are really nice and willing to answer questions from parents who want to understand the process better.


It makes sense to me that they already have the waitlist ranked, so if people decline early, it opens a slot for next in line… Just a guess.


From Cal Poly website:

How do you select people off the waitlist?

If you are on the waitlist, you will be considered for admission again if there are any additional openings in your major. There are no ‘rankings’ on the waitlist, and only the application materials that were reviewed initially will be used in any waitlist decisions.

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By “ranking”, I meant waitlist order. They’re not reviewing all apps again each time a slot opens…


that’s what SLO said they don’t do, they don’t rank nor order the waitlist, they’ll just go ahead and review every app. for X major when a spot opens up, they have MCA so its easy for them to do that

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Is it ever possible to officially find out what your MCA score is?


If you are enrolled student, under FERPA you can request to look at your admission records. Knowing the MCA score really does not help unless you know the MCA thresholds for each major.


Ok. So my guess is that people admitted now are based on them “re-running every applicant” when a slot opens open, similar to being “waitlisted” and making it in.

Thank you - we clicked around and found it. Have they awarded scholarships yet do you know?

SLO gives little in scholarships. That said, I have not heard that any admitted students have received any scholarships but FA packages just recently posted. The few scholarships they give may come later this month once all the decisions have been posted.

Hi there, where can we find the financial aid award? We clicked on Student Center then View Financial Aid and it says “there is no financial aid information found.”

@Gumbymom What is the acceptance rate for bio medical engineering at SLO?

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This makes sense. Additionally, portfolio applications are still in review. So when they say applications are still being are still being reviewed and admissions will continue through the end of this month, it’s also possible they are referring to portfolio majors. Logically, with admits last week and such limited spots available, it does not make sense that there are still unreviewed applications (for majors outside of portfolio majors) at this late date.

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Guesstimate: 15%
1953 projected applicants for 96 spots. If the yield rate projected is 33%, they could admit 3x as many spots.

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