Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Did you fill out your FAFSA?

I am proud of my son to get admitted in such a competitive major.


Yes. I should say that we are not expecting anything except a loan offer, but it was more that we don’t see anything in his financial aid portal.

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I had a hard time also. Go to the Money Matters tab at top. Once on that page, look on the right and you will see View My Financial Aid (in green), once there, click on 2024 and it should show up.

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Does anyone know when Cal Grant or Middle Class scholarship amounts are added to the CP financial aid letters? Thanks!


Middle class scholarship amounts are not confirmed until August but some schools will list an estimate. Usually the Cal Grant amounts will be on the FA package.

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Thanks! My student qualifies for Cal Grant but it wasn’t there. We’ll call.

Thanks! We didn’t see anything either and she qualifies as well. I wasn’t sure when that gets verified. I guess we will call too.

The FA packages for the recent UC Davis admits have included the Cal grant A amounts for those eligible so SLO may have not verified them yet.


You can log into the CSAC website and should be able to see what your student was awarded for Cal Grant even if it hasn’t populated into Cal Poly’s portal.


I was wondering what 6 Math classes your son took? Also did he get any B’s in HS? My daughter will be applying Business next year and trying to figure out her math courses. Thank you


I had both my kids accepted to Business this year (well one for ITP in the business school). They both had 6 years of math.

Algebra 1 (8th grade)
Geometry (9th)
Algebra2 (10th)
Pre Calc (11th)
Statistics (summer between 11th-12th CC)
Calculus (12th)

We also had 4 yrs FL, 4 yrs science, 6 years history, one had 4 years English and the other had 8 years (doubled up in English all 4 years).



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Just a heads up for parents, the open house (on April 14) email with rsvp registration is out, so please have your kids check their email and register.


Cal poly doesn’t consider statistics advanced math.

Actually they do consider Stats advanced Math and was confirmed several times with admissions over the years.


That’s excellent. I was sure from my 2017 kid stats didn’t count toward math years? Lots of kids make the choice of stats or calc route based on those rigor requirements.


My son and several of his friends got into SLO with 5 years of math. He and another friend got into the business major. I don’t think 6 years of math is necessary unless you are shooting for engineering in which case, your student will want to max out on all areas including a 5th year of English to distinguish themselves from the other high stat kids applying to that very competitive major

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Daughter got into SLO for Electrical Engineering last Friday. UW 3.9 W 4.4, 10 APs, Band, Orchestra and other music-related extracurriculars and awards, volunteering, leadership.


Bonus points max out at 5 years for math.