Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Well worth your time to go if Cal Poly is a serious contender. Thursday night is the Farmer’s Market in downtown which is fun to visit. On the Admitted Students day on Friday you’ll have a welcome from your college, with department heads and students speaking. Pre-covid the engineering department gave us tours of labs and we had a lunch with the electrical engineering group. There were also dorm tours and campus tours. The next day is the Campus Showcase where the various clubs have booths. I went with my younger son last year and there were no dorm tours and the construction management group did not have a lunch but we did get an info session with the department head and some students. My younger son also really like the club showcase and speaking to the other kids. Open House is your child’s big chance to speak to current students and get a feel for whether he’d like to go and fit in at Cal Poly.


does anyone think any decisions will go out today?

It is after 5 PM. Admissions office is closed. Maybe tomorrow since it has been a week since the large admit wave.


The student portal is not working right now when trying to log in. Perhaps they are loading some admissions decisions.

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Honestly, besides AP Calc, I’d recommend AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electromagnetics if your child can fit both into their schedule. If you want to do both, it takes planning since you need to take calculus concurrently with Mechanics so you’d need to do a summer class to get the calc in the right time frame. Physics C is fairly rare, particularly electromagnetics, and will make your child stand out, at any school. I really don’t buy engineering is looking for 5 years of English, no matter what admissions says. Other than AP Lit and AP Lang there isn’t another AP English class my kid could take so why would I waste their time with a non-honors english class? I’m 2/2 for getting my kids into Cal Poly using my physics strategy but it would be my advice to anyone gunning for a Cal Poly admit for a STEM major.

I don’t think an actual person is looking at any of the apps at Cal Poly. An algorithm is scoring the apps based on years of this, years, of that, rigor, volunteer hours, etc… etc… the years of math, English, foreign language are earning the student points to measure them against other applicants in their major.


I had heard that they do one score based assessment for a basic cut and then there is another cut where they look at rigor. If there aren’t eyeballs I have to think they do find a way to put rigor in their scoring system. AP Stats is not equal to AP Calc B/C. Regardless, you’re applying to more than one school so you cannot tailor your transcript just to Cal Poly. Max rigor will help everywhere.

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For AP Physics C: Mech&Electro - was that as a junior or senior? (Does that matter?)

My son has it now as a senior, as well as Diff equations/Lin Algebra/Multi-Var Calc (dual enrollment). He took AP Calc B/C as a junior as well as AP Physics. He took Engr I and II electives offered, AP Stats. Also took AP History each year, 3 yrs honors spanish, other non-AP electives. All As and 5s on AP tests thus far.

He took AP English as a sophomore (his only B) and then took regular English as a junior and senior (least favorite subject). Maybe a problem for SLO?

Anyway! Given he was not admitted for aero-engr (in-state), I’m tying to make sense of why. I’m impressed that your strategy has an 100% success rate - congrats on the acceptances!

Daughter was accepted into liberal studies last Friday, in-state.
3.7 UW
4.17 W
6 AP’s (euro, gov, bio, 2 spanish, psych)
4 years math (all A’s) 3 years science (couple B’s)
4 year varsity in 2 sports
Team captain 3 times between the two sports
Same job 4 years (not related to major)
Volunteer hours related to major

CP was a crap shoot and we thought she would never get in. We didn’t even visit. We are still stunned she got in.

Accepted: U of Oregon, Oregon State, ASU, Gonzaga, USD, U of Denver, Seattle U,
Waitlisted: Santa Cruz and Davis

Good luck everyone! And to all those parents who are obsessed in whether or not your kid will to get into a great school, I say to just relax. I constantly worried (w out my daughter knowing)that she wasn’t taking 5 AP courses a semester. I was reading all the acceptances of previous years to gauge her chances. I was worried when she leveled down from AP stats to intro. But, it all works out. CP is a fantastic school, but she also has wonderful options if that didn’t pan out. I always told her CP, Santa Barbara and Davis probably won’t happen, so let’s find some good alternatives. And look what happened!


Congrats! So happy for your daughter!

Has any decisions come out yet for today? (Friday, March 17, 2023)

I believe the portal is still down

I can sign into the portal - not down

I don’t think so but typically schools release decisions in the afternoon based on what I’ve seen.

SDSU was about 11am yesterday

The portal is working.

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Yes my son got into Business and is taking stats this year as a senior, calc during junior year, but I think it depends on major.

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My daughter was admitted last Friday (history)
UW: 3.8 (5 B’s in grades 9-11, spread out)
Capped/Weighted: 4.19
9 APs (Bio, World Hist, US Hist, Eng Lang, Eng Lit, Span Lang, Span Lit, Calc A/B, Gov)
4 Honors (2 PLTW, Pre-Calc, Comp Civics)
4 years Eng
5 years math
5 years lang
5 years science
1 year VAPA
EC Activities and Job (but not in max category of hours and nothing related to major)
Not First Gen
From SF Bay Area

Other schools accepted to: UCD, UCSC, SDSU, LBSU, U of O, UW

(Just found out about the VAPA rec. of 2 years and Eng rec. of 5 years last week)


Congratulations! Just out of curiosity, what is her top choice?

My son hasn’t heard from cal poly yet. Is this a bad sign for his applicaiton? He applied for CS.

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