Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

I was really hoping to hear something today but I’m kind of happy we didn’t. Son’s first choice is SLO but UCSD is a close second and he got accepted there today and don’t want to ruin that excitement.


My daughter accepted to UCSD, UCI, Cal Poly Pomona waitlisted at UCLA in computer engineering. No word from SLO, very odd.

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I still havent heard back yet, I applied for marine sciences and I know of some people who also applied for that and got in last friday. Does that mean I am getting waitlisted/denied?

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Historically, If an applicant has not heard in the first admit wave, then most likely it is a waitlist or denial. That said, SLO did admit a few applicants in between the waitlist and denial waves last year so maybe they will do the same this year.

Do you know when they will admit the applicants? (not including the first admit wave)

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Here is the timeline from last year but I wish I knew along with every person on this discussion thread.

Cal Poly SLO admit wave started on March 10, 2022 with a mixture of OOS and In-state applicants. Waitlist decisions posted March 18, 2022 along with a few acceptances. Admits for students requiring a portfolio review trickled out on March 24, 2022. Denials were posted on March 30, 2022.

What does requiring a portfolio review mean? And have any people been recieving waitlist decisions today?

Some majors require a portfolio to be submitted and those majors heard later than the large admit wave last year. This year looks like a repeat of last year for the portfolio based majors since they have not heard yet. No one has posted any decisions today.

What type of majors are portfolio based? Since nobody has heard any decisions today, is it possible that they would release the waitlists and admits next friday? And then the denials the friday after? (maybe since their is two fridays left in March) I apoligize for asking so many detailed questions BTW, I’m just worried because I got rejected from a bunch of schools today :frowning:

is there any chance that some acceptances would be released tomorrow? (specifically ag communication)

I dont think that they release anything on weekends, since the admissions office is closed


The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) program in Art & Design offers a major with concentrations in graphic design, photography & video, and studio art are portfolio majors.

@samowen: No one knows when the next wave of decisions will be posted but they do not post decisions on the weekend.

Do they release the acceptances by major?

Decisions have been random.

So have they released acceptances from most/all majors already? (not including the portfolio ones)

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Yes, it looks like all majors except the portfolio based majors have heard. You have to remember that only a small percentage of applicants will post on this site or any other social media site so there is no way to know how many admit decisions have gone out already.

Alright, thank you so much for all your help. You have given me hope that I can still get in with my major even though other people with my major have gotten admitted already :slight_smile:


Have you seen any Economic major acceptances? I have not seen any.

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I have not seen any decisions for Economics on this site.

Hi! I am just asking. Do you work in admissions for CP or any university?