Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

My son is still waiting for a response in Psychology/Child Development from CP. I haven’t seen a lot of Psych acceptance, but I know there was a mention of a few. Do they normally release by majors or is there no rhyme or reason to the release?

Congrats - those are great acceptances! Slo’s CS acceptance rate is 8-9%ish so if you haven’t heard by now I’d move on and figure out which one of those UCs is the best for your kiddo!

They have been releasing randomly and historically most acceptances have been posted.

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I have a friend not on CC whose daughter is waiting to hear for communications I have not seen any Coms admits it’s strange so either they have not admitted that major yet or no one on CC is a coms major which is unlikely. It will be interesting to see what happens next week.

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if you word search “communications” on this thread there are three acceptances that mentioned communications, comments #386, 980, 1191 (graphic comms, comms and ag comms respectively)

thank you for this! This makes me feel a lot better and gives me some hope!

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To be honest, when it comes to CSU decisions anything goes. Historically yes, they have waves a week apart but there is nothing written in stone that SLO will abide by the timeline that they had last year or the year before. If you have received no decision then you have no decision. I wish I could give everyone an exact date on when they will hear but that is not the CSU way…


Looks like SDSU isn’t finished releasing decisions either.


Along with UCR, UCSB and UCB. Also there is also IVY Day which is the same day as UCB decisions. Still several schools out there that have not posted any or only some admission decisions. Everyone will have an answer by April 1.


Is anyone able to register for Cal Poly admitted student day?

Yes. There was an email with a registration link.


It only gives me option of 04/14 at 8 am. Is that the only option for everyone?

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Yes, you don’t need to register for the Thursday or Saturday programming.


Same! They say no news is good news but I don’t think that’s the case with college admissions. My D hasn’t heard anything from Cal Poly or SDSU.
Can we even hope for a waitlist spot at this point?? Ugh.

Has anyone been waistlisted? This is so cruel to string these students along. As a CP Alumni, I’m very disappointed in this process.


I have not seen any waitlist decisions posted. More decisions should be coming out this week.


Same for my daughter - nothing from SLO. Wait list from Davis and UCSD. Admitted to UCI, UCSC and SDSU. Incredibly random.

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Waiting patiently for SLO for communication studies; his best friend and girlfriend admitted on 3/10. Our son has a 4.0 unweighted and 4.42 weighted and dual language bilingual. Accepted to UCD, UC Santa Cruz early admittance, SDSU, wait-listed to UCLA and UCSD. I wish SLO would rip off the bandaid for these kids…


I don’t know exactly how it all works, but my daughter was admitted for biology and has already SIR’ed to another school, so I had her go in and decline her offer of admission at SLO. I hope that helps someone else get word sooner!


SDSU seems to be dragging their feet, too. Such a bummer for the kids.