Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

My son has still not heard from slo and neither has his girlfriend.
He was accepted to sdsu early and Friday got into ucla, ucsd, and Uci. Not sure why slo hasn’t sent them all out.


Not only this, based on the market outcome of their major accepted applicants commit to CP SLO over prestigious UCs. I hope there will be more acceptance waves.


Is there a place to find acceptance rates at SLO by major?

No only target projections for the number of spots they plan to enroll.

I find this whole process so frustrating. My older daughter got into SLO in 2021, and I don’t remember there being such a drawn-out process. Gumbymom clearly has had experience with their process historically, yet I called the admissions office three times last week and spoke to three different admissions officers, and I I was informed that plenty of acceptances are still to come and that there is no rhyme or reason at all to the process. I asked if that was just for students with portfolios, and I was given a definitive no. Applications from students for all majors were still being looked at. They told me not to believe what is said to have happened historically, yet the past often dictates the future. I don’t know what to believe is more likely. I will say that when I spoke to someone last Friday and asked if there would be any admits that day, she said something to the effect of it being St. Patrick’s Day, so probably not. With all these hard-working and well-deserving students waiting, I found that response to be really inappropriate.


For reference, my one son applied in 2013, 2nd son in 2014 and my niece in 2015 so I have followed the decision timelines for awhile. Historically they have always dragged out the process but in those days they did admits over a 2 day period with OOS first then in-state the next day. Also admits were posted alphabetically by College and they started in Mid-February instead of March. As the # of applications increased, the timeline was pushed back into March.

Like I have stated before, the CSU’s are on their own timeline and can change it up at any time. I believe that myself and the other Forum Champion @lkg4answers had posted warnings on the process.

SLO like the other CSU’s (SDSU, CPP, CSULB, CSUF, SJSU) that still have not posted all decisions state you will have an answer by April 1.

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I’m inclined to believe your timeline over what they are telling me. I agree with the timeline being earlier in the past too. My daughter was notified February 21 in 2021. I’m just looking forward to this process being over. My D is waiting on UCSB and UCB, but has already been accepted to Davis, UCSB, UCSD, and seven others. We are ready to get the ball rolling on research and commitment! Thanks for your insight! It’s nice to have.

I think the frustrating thing is that surely all schools know who’s in and who isn’t, right?
But stick to an arbitrary timeline for announcement.


Funny about the St Patrick’s Day comment - tells me it is a student who pushes the button to send this out :rofl:

Hoping since nothing came out Friday that today there will be more sent out. My friend said her daughter waited what felt like forever last year after the first batch went out and she was accepted in a later batch (and is a SLO Freshman now). My daughter has some great options, including UCD, UCSC and SDSU, but would love to just have everything back so she can seriously consider the options. She expects a no from SLO since she was not in the first batch but I think part of her is hanging on…


My son is in the same boat. He has already been admitted to programs but some closure would be nice. Especially when UCs who have insight questions to review have already sent out acceptance letters.


Same with my son. Accepted to ucsd with a full scholarship (Jacobs) and Ucla with a scholarship offer as well (not full ride) but nothing from cal poly. I think he is looking at it as it wasn’t meant to be.


Just wondering has anyone got in with the major CS?

That is very thoughtful of you! I commend you for potentially freeing up a spot for someone else who might be anxiously waiting for good news from Cal Poly. No idea if it works that way either, but makes sense that it may potentially help others! Congratulations to your daughter for making her decision! It must feel great to have that out of the way. :slight_smile:


Yes my son got CS on Friday the 10th we are OOS

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My Son who is In-state(Bay Area) got in on 3/10.


Could you share the stat? Thanks.

Does anyone have any insight on to when the next wave is coming? My gut said today, but I have not seen any waitlists posted yet.


Already in at UCSB?

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UCSB tomorrow at 3 pm.

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You may not remember 2021 being so long and drawn out because your daughter was accepted so heard that first week. My oldest who was also 2021 did not get in and believe me it WAS long and drawn out that year. At that time we had no idea this was how SLO rolled out their decisions so he was confused, hopeful, and then stressed while friends got admitted, got waitlisted, and then finally he and others got denied. His younger sibling was just admitted on 3/10 which is great, but we feel awful for friends and others who have not heard anything yet. I really wish they would send all decisions the same day so students could know their results whatever they are and be able to move forward.