Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

yeah it’s automatic opt in


Wow look at those numbers!! Thank you! I’m going to hold on hope…my son has wanted to go here since the fourth grade!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Daughter waitlisted for acting.


Was she a first year?

waitlisted as well Mech E

Daughter waitlisted, no email, but she checked the portal and there it was.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2023

someone lmk if you checked your portal like 30 minutes ago but didn’t see anything but then got a decision later tonight !!


no acceptance or waitlist :slight_smile:

seems like its time to start crying haha


Waitlisted ! Biomedical Engg 3.90 UW

Does anyone know how many students Cal Poly accepts off its waitlist typically? Do they break that info down by major?

DS 4.37 GPA waitlisted for Economics!! In state San Diego 5 years of Math all honors and AP
Didn’t have 5 years of English!!

Just got accepted to Georgia Tech for Atmospheric Science

My DS class of ‘21 also WL at SLO. 4.4 GPA admitted to UCLA and Berkley that year!
Loving UCLA

No rhyme or reason to SLO…. Can’t feel bad about SLO when they don’t consider really anything but GPA. Good luck to everyone! I firmly believe they land where they are suppose to. Closed doors are answers!!


Waitlist information for the past few years are listed here:

They do not break out admit numbers by major and the number admitted varies from year to year depending upon how many students enroll by May 1.

Thank you!


@Ramlord I see that you have some tricky financial decisions to make. Maybe start a new thread with that spreadsheet, to talk about your financial questions and decision making?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

Any rejections tonight?

I’m thinking it’s all waitlist tonight.

were all the waitlists sent out at the same time? or did they steadily come out one at a time? anybody know?

Son got waitlisted for Mechanical Engineering. 4.4W/4.0UW. He was waitlisted last year too and did not get in. Not so hopeful for this year but at least he has other options.