Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

or 7 am EST or international (whatever time that is).

I still doubt it. SLO is not known for early releases.


Maybe it was released in the metaverse?

Or it was all a dream? Makes sense if the post was at 4 AM :sleeping:


I believe it was an international student so that would make sense:) Good Luck everyone

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Yes I think it was international because I saw on Reddit today another international student who applied CS and received their rejection yesterday.


Someone on another thread said they called admissions yesterday and was told they are still getting organized and possibly next week or the week after. I hope they are wrong that would put us at the 15thish and that seems forever lol .


They were an international student.

I’m just not sure I believe that post (I saw it too). I feel like it’s more likely a student being confused between SLO and CPP. That seems to happen regularly.

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In previous years, SLO has admitted International applicants and applicants that are US citizens but studying abroad early so it is possible. I saw a couple of International applicant admits on Reddit for Masters programs at SLO so maybe there is some confusion with Undergrad vs. Graduate.


There were other international students who posted on REDDIT that they were rejected in the last couple of days from SLO, so I definitely think it was an international student.



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My daughter’s friend was rejected last week. I asked her if she was certain it was SLO, and she said she saw the email with her own eyes. The major was Art. Usually fine arts have to submit a portfolio, so the admission review is different.


My son applied as an art major so I saw his email where they said he made it to the next level for a portfolio submission. It was due last night, so I have a feeling any students who did not get the request for a portfolio got rejection letters.


Visited SLO last week and was told by the department chair that Industrial Technology and Packing target is 60 this year… up from 45 last year.


Someone on another site posted Cal Poly Slo’s message that they are now starting to roll out admission results from now until April 1. Nothing on my daughter’s portal yet…fingers crossed!


can you post the link to another thread?

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There is nothing that I can see about this on their IG

I do not see anything on reddit either.

I think they are referring to this instagram post.

However, this is not a school instagram. This is one of those created by a student to get kids to post their bios. It is not official.