Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

There was a lot of movement on the Arch waitlist 3 years ago when my daughter applied so don’t give up hope!

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I don’t understand how your daughter was rejected at SDSU with her stats? Are you in state?? We are in the PNW and know a handful of kids with way lower stats admitted to SDSU. So baffling!

wow, big increase from 59K last yr

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Congratulations! May I ask if she applied Graphic Design or Studio Arts?

Which email was this?

Congratulations! Did your daughter apply to Graphic Design or Studio Arts? Sorry for asking all the Art admits, my daughter did not hear yesterday so I’m just curious if both Graphic Design and Studio Arts heard yesterday so we can take that info and either move on or keep holding our breath? :wink:

waitlisted for ME ! So you’re saying there’s a chance !!


D23 waitlisted for Poly Sci
In state
4.0uw/ 4.4w
Mock trial attorney
City council intern
Leadership clubs
Sports (captain)
(Not like slo knew any of the above)

Several honors

In at ucsb, sdsu, csulb
Waitlisted at UCLA, UCSD, UCD, SLO
Waiting for UCB

Probably heading to ucsb.


Well that’s too bad it’s an automatic opt in to the waitlist. For UCs, only about half of waitlisted students accept the waitlist, and that can improve the odds for those who choose to opt in. The way Cal Poly SLO does it, it will be like musical chairs. Much more work for Cal Poly SLO. They will be offering spots off the waitlist perhaps repeatedly for those who are no longer interested.

Sorry for the WL. I can see why he’d be over it. I think Architecture and Engineering and then especially both combined must be uniquely competitive to Cal Poly SLO. I think it’s a 5 year program as I recall. It’s renowned.

Did he have 5 years of English? I think Cal Poly SLO is overly enamored with that. It’s right on their website but I never noticed it until this year. I don’t think many high school counselors know to tell kids they should take a 5th year of English in high school, as an elective, if they want to apply to Cal Poly SLO. My kids’ counselors didn’t tell my kids that. I only learned it myself AFTER I had a Cal Poly 2020 grad (DS2)–who didn’t have a 5th year but was a recruited athlete so that was his “hook,”–and AFTER my DD4 applied this year. She was admitted this year AND she did happen to have a 5th year of HS English but it was a complete pandemic-related “accident” (her 9th grade English teacher was a poor teacher even before “remote learning” and then got even worse so my DD decided on her own to take two online a-g elective English–Creative Writing and something else–classes during the summer so she’d be more prepared for 10th grade English). If she hadn’t done that I’m not sure she’d have been admitted to Cal Poly SLO this year.

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Although I’m a huge fan of Cal States in general, I will agree that Cal State can be kind of “mean.” I’ve had 2 kids attend Cal State (one Chico, one Cal Poly SLO). They don’t put applicants’ or even enrolled students’ priorities first (the professors do, I think, but not the administration). Things like not enough classes/sections, poor dining hall food, indifference to temp in dorms and dorm maintenance, mask mandates long after CA mandates were dropped everywhere else, etc.

But for all I know UC might be the same (I’ve had no kids at a UC yet). Remember these are actually state-run bureaucracies so like the DMV they are sort of heartless and cold. This is one reason why some students choose private LACs and perhaps “warmer” colleges that put students and their feelings and needs/desires first.

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The same exists for the UC’s.

Class/sections hard to get, dorm maintenance lacking, large lecture hall GE’s (400+ students)etc. They also have the issue that TA’s are really your direct go to person for most classes. Professors are limited to accessibility. And as we all know, when the TA’s go on strike your education will suffer at the UC. And hardly any one on one advising.

I went to UCSB and UCLA and quite honestly, I cannot remember a single class under 200 students even in my major, except for a foreign language class I took that was 15 people, it was Portuguese! My largest class was 600+ (Art History) and was in 2 auditoriums, one with the professor in and the other with an overhead projector of the professor on a screen.


My bruised mom ego just took a little solace in this, thanks.


Daughter waitlisted for Child Development.
In UCI, SDSU, LMU and others out of state
Time to move on!

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Really? When did you graduate UCSB? I went there for undergrad and never experienced courses taught in two lecture halls, not even Soc 152. :grin:

Son Waitlisted for aerospace engineering at SLO.
4.4 weighted / 4.0 unweighted (lots of APs, dual enrollment with an A in Calc D & Linear Algebra through SDSU already so he’s started 2 years ahead in college math)
FIRST robotics
Varsity football
Varsity rugby (started and just won the CA state championship)
etc etc etc

CA schools were brutal - got in for aerospace at SDSU, waitlisted at a bunch of others, so that was disappointing. But he had good success OOS. Likely going to come down to Texas A&M, Penn State or Purdue for aerospace engineering.

Really encourage these kids to look at three things:

  1. Will they be happy at the school? (What do they want in a school)?
  2. How does the school rank in / support their major? What is recruiting, alumni network like and %s of placement, and starting salaries?
  3. Do the economics make sense so they don’t graduate with a ton of debt?

Son is turning down some schools with more “prestige” b/c he feels his top 3 best fit these three criteria. Just food for thought… been down this road with his older brother and there’s a lot wrong with the UC/Cal State system right now. Would be a shame if any of these AWESOME kids let it impact their confidence as these kids are AMAZING and will do well wherever they go. And nothing worse than a kid being miserable at a college that isn’t a good fit for them.

What do I know… just wanted to share our personal experience if it helps! It’s been a process for all of us and some closure will be good! :slight_smile:


I’m really worried about how the repercussions of the UC TA strike will affect incoming UC freshman next year. I’ve heard UC might admit/hire a LOT fewer grad students/TAs as a result of the agreement. There isn’t the $$ now for the previous # of TAs, which means even less attention paid for UC undergrads. Another plus for Cal Poly SLO therefore (classes more prof taught than TA taught).


Son waitlisted for CE, he didn’t think he would get a chance :pleading_face::pleading_face:

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Engineering & CS are very very very difficult… anywhere, so hopefully he embraces that he’s competitive! Good luck!

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