Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

I do not know the logic behind their decisions but for many of the Cal States, this is a common pattern.

SLO seems to be pretty consistent with the wave of admits, followed by a wave of waitlists and then a wave of denials. As I stated earlier in this post, as the # of applications have increased, the timeline has been pushed into March. My son’s applied 2013/2014. Older son heard about his admit February 14th and at that time they offered ED along with RD. They did OOS/International student admits first by alphabetical College one day and then In-state the next day. My younger son applied ED got deferred and was denied in 2014 in Early March.

There have been years where SLO over enrolled especially in 2017 after they eliminated ED. I believe by doing a large admit wave and then delaying the wave of waitlists, they are waiting to see how many students immediately accept the offer especially the OOS/International students but this is all conjecture.

I always like to point out that some of the UC’s have rolling decisions like UC Merced and UC Riverside which has still not posted all decisions yet.

It is a difficult and frustrating process for many students and wanting closure is important but I do not see many changes coming in SLO changing their process. History is not on the side of students and parents. That is why I have tried to post the previous year’s timeline and warnings about their SLOOOOOO decision process.


First time posting here as I was lurking to find information on the timeline. DD was waitlisted last Friday for Biochemistry. The idea of waiting to see how many of the acceptances go thru before sending out waitlists makes sense to me. The part that I truly don’t understand is the rejections. If they already know certain students will be rejected and there is no chance for them, why don’t they just send those out first? Our young people are so stressed as it is during this process, sending rejections first seems like the responsible thing to do. :frowning: Best of luck to everyone!


Maybe they want a certain # of waitlist students on that list as a cushion for when the final SIR’s are posted? They are the only CSU that automatically places students on the waitlist and need to opt out if not interested. Perhaps some of the denials could turn into waitlists instead if their target is not met?


3 posts were split to a new thread: Cal Poly SLO, UCSB, UCSC, Santa Clara and Chapman for a Psychology major

We haven’t hear back from Cal Poly SLO as yet and was wondering if they are admitting by major? Has anyone gotten accepted to the Communication Studies major as of yet?

Have not seen any verified admits since the original wave on March 10th except for Portfolio based majors which heard March 24. Waitlisted applicants have been notified on March 24/25. I believe the rest of the decisions will be out by Friday March 31.

Yes. In-state, non-local but close. I don’t know about SDSU but I can understand SLO as there are very few spots. I’m sure it was probably the lower UC GPA.

I’m pulling this from a Reddit post today:

“Here are the rankings of select universities when compared on median income 10 years after attendance. Cal Poly beat every single UC. Perhaps there is something to Learn By Doing after all!”

Rank University
1 CalTech
8 Stanford
10 Princeton
22 Columbia
25 Yale
32 Harvard
34 USC
40 Cal Poly
42 UC Berkeley
46 Vanderbilt
48 Brown
68 UC San Diego
88 UC Irvine
104 UC Davis
115 UW Seattle
127 UT Austin
151 UC Santa Barbara

ETA: The Reddit post has a NYT link, which I can’t view, because I don’t have a subscription.


What really determines income is major and resulting career path, though.


Yes, but I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

At any rate, isn’t every graduating HS senior nowadays a future CS/Engineering major? :rofl:

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My immediate thought yes was there might be more graduating students with STEM majors at Cal Poly SLO than at the UCs listed, and would account for the differences. But I could be wrong. I definitely agree that Cal Poly SLO is one of the best bargains (ROI) around. . .

Fall 2023 Targets/Proj.

CAFES 1,116
CAED 427
CENG 1,358
CLA 885
OCOB 742
CSM 771

First-Time Freshmen: 5,299

Thanks! What do these acronyms mean? Is this the target for acceptances?

CAFES 1,116 (Agriculture, Food and Environmental Studies)
CAED 427 (Agriculture and Environmental Design)
CENG 1,358 (Engineer)
CLA 885 (Liberal Arts)
OCOB 742 (Business)
CSM 771 (Math and Science)


Actually, CAED is College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

Target enrollment for 2023-2024:

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What category does architectural engineering fall in? What college?

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Architectural Engineering

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

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What college is Environmental Science in? My daughter was accepted for Biology and she wants to try to switch to ES when able.

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental sciences.

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Why is the Cal Poly portal down?