Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I haven’t received anything besides the regular financial aid offer either and was wondering the same thing. I saw on the website that scholarships come out April through August so I’m hoping that means that they are still to come but I’m not sure.

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Literally got an email as soon as 6:20pm hit, freaked out, checked…it was canvas. >:|

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wait if we have been admitted but have not decided if we want to commit yet, do we still have to send in our official transcripts right now?

Well past 6:23 with no update. This is so frustrating.


Tell me about it, just wanna know either way

elle871 did you get the calgrant or work study? I am going to call them tomorrow and let everyone know what I find out

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I think Cal Poly may have one of the worst ways to roll out their decisions. They are in waves at no specific time and sometimes wait days in between each wave most of the time waiting till the last day to send out rejections.


I just checked and got mine. It is a couple of different grants but I don’t see any scholarships

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hiheyhelloo did you get the cal grant and/or work study?

No I don’t see anything for cal grant or work study either

Was the email telling you to check your portal for admission status or congratulating you? Ahh I haven’t received anything yet.

Some of you will have a date when to send in Partial transcripts. I never had to cuz I was finished with everything before I applied. If you don’t have it in your email, just wait a few days.

Next week or the week after, your portal is going to change that will give you access to more options.

The date to send in Final transcripts is July 15th.

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canvas is for my community college, not slo. I was saying I got super excited for nothing

I got an email congratulating me like 2 hours later. I hope you get a decision ASAP!

Lol sorry, I was clearly not reading correctly.

Thank you! I’m hoping the second wave comes out tonight.

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Here is the breakdown of my Financial Aid when I got my decision. It never changed, nor was amended.

  • GRNT Federal Pell
  • GRNT Federal SEOG
  • GRNT State University Grant
  • GRNT Health Services Fee
  • CPS Cal Poly Scholar NTR

Then there were 2 loan options:

  • LN Fed Direct Subsidized Ln
  • LN Fed Direct Unsubsidized Ln

quick question you guys… are we supposed to send transcripts to the schools we intend to go to? I sent mine to CSULB and CPP but I’m still not sure where I want to go. I thought I’d send it in time just in case I do end up going to one of those.

still no word? the suspense is killing me lol

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Yeah nothing :// I’ve checked like 4 times today already