Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

mine did 2 but only paper ones. The paper ones require you to go in person… but the campus is closed so… they’re making everyone pay this year.

So are we giving up on tonight?

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Not me, I’m still going to check every 30 mins for any update. How about you?


I want to say no but also want to say yes haha

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I really thought more would have been released by now

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I was looking at last years thread and it was super random! There were acceptances on like the first day. And then a bunch of waitlists. And then more acceptances like a week later. So weird

Mine still pending hmph. lUL

At least it’s kinda reassuring that none of us have heard anything today.


If it makes you feel any better, here’s my story…
Every time I switch schools, I have to send all my transcripts, individually from each school, to my new school. I went to 2 schools my first year, two different schools my second year, and I am at 4 schools this semester. Some schools charge $5 for a transcript, some charge $27; all electronic.

Mee Too!

Oh gosh! I can only imagine that’s rough. I only have transcripts from two colleges and it’s still annoying. Just another reason why they should be free or at least cheaper!

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Welp… no 10 o’clock updates

For those who got accepted, did your to-do list showed up right away or few hours later?

A day later

They are electronic but not automated. Someone is getting paid $15+ an hour to sort through old files and find this info. There’s also no incentive to get it done fast, so a person might only get four done an hour. A $15/hr employee costs $25-30/hr to employ, so $15 for a transcript is about what it costs the school.

@maora34 Ok thank you! I think I’m going to wait to see if decisions come out tomorrow.

Seems like a bad process, wouldn’t be too hard to completely automate it. I don’t know anything about the process but I don’t understand why they wouldn’t already have electronic transcripts completely automated.

Ok so like all of you I’ve been checking my portal every like 10 minutes and I just discovered this website, someone on reddit sent me lol. But basically I’m freaking out because while reading peoples stats I saw everyone was including a stat for how many hours they worked/extracurriculars and how much of it was major related… I straight up have no memory of submitting that info with my application. You applied on the common app right? Did I just entirely miss it? I’m so confused and terrified honestly lmao.

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Dont stress! :slight_smile:
We all applied through the common app. If I remember correctly Cal Poly had a mini question section attached to theirs where they asked about if you worked and if it was major related, or anything else you did volunteer etc.

…but now that I’m typing this I’m second guessing myself and confusing it with the UC app but I’m like 99% sure this was a part of the Cal poly app. It was a couple questions which is maybe why you dont remember?

You’re right, I might just be spacing on it. I know that if I saw the questions I 100% would have answered because I’ve worked 40 hour work weeks throughout cc lol. I don’t think I would’ve missed it if it popped up. My only other thought would be that it was only a question for non local students? I’m local.

I was worried about that too in reading everyones responses. I don’t remember filling any questions on Cal State Apply related to working in major field. For UC applications though I did.