Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I try to refrain from checking my portal and just check this instead to see if there’s been another release because seeing the “no determination has been made” hits different lol

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I’m a local and didn’t receive anything, of course that could mean I’m straight up rejected.

I don’t think the first round was just locals, one girl from my CC got in (and I’m pretty sure that SBCC is non-local but correct me if I’m wrong) I think it’s just random at this rate.

First wave was:

  • 21 non-local
  • 8 local

I was going to call the financial aid office in regards to some cost of attendance questions but they are closed today or at least not taking calls. So in the freshman forums did it say theirs took a few days after they had already received their aid package?

They open at 12pm.

I called but it said their phone hours are from 1:30-3:30 M-Th

I believe so, I had to do some searching and connecting dots but I believe I saw people discuss receiving the financial aid package email one day and then the same people talking about getting an email about cal poly scholar and it being on their portal a few days later. I’m not as sure about scholarships and work study tho

If the records system was attached to the internet and the system was hacked there would be a big and very expensive problem.

I applied to EOP too but have yet to hear back as well
Haven’t gotten an email about financial aid but the money matters tab popped up the other day. But with nothing on it so I’m hoping I just have to wait a day or two more

@elle871 Hoping that’s the case, it would definitely help a lot to have that support system. I also don’t believe I’ve seen anyone on here yet mention they have been awarded the cal poly scholar grant.

@CalPolySL0Bound by any chance would you happen to know if only first year transfers are considered for being a cal poly scholar or do they consider you every year you renew your fafsa app?

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Make a list of your questions, then email them to Financial Aid office. They may not respond right away but if you email now then you’ll at least get your questions into the pipeline.

Does it let you click on “view my financial aid” and show aid year 2022?
I’m trying to look through other forums to see when students possibly heard back from EOP decisions but can’t find much info yet. But hopefully we hear back by next month :slight_smile:

I think you’re asking if you didn’t get the Cal Poly Scholars upon admittance, would you be considered the following year?

I don’t know but I will email them & tell you what their answer is.

For people who do receive Cal Poly Scholars, we never have to come up for it again. It’s renewed automatically every year.

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@CalPolySLOBound do you think that there still will be a second wave of acceptances if it didn’t happen yesterday?

I just clicked money matters and view financial aid to see if anything popped up. And something did, I was able to click on financial aid year 2021-2022. . It only shows need based grants awarded to me. I haven’t received an email about financial aid, cp scholar, or anything regarding that type of stuff. Should I assume this is all that will be given to me or is it too early to assume that. @CalPolySL0Bound

There will definitely be more waves. Nobody knows when these waves will come tho.

When I checked my Financial Aid the day after I was accepted, everything was listed & mine never changed & was never amended later. But that doesn’t mean it won’t for any of you. I can only describe my experience.

This is exactly how mine looked:

  • GRNT Federal Pell
  • GRNT Federal SEOG
  • GRNT State University Grant
  • GRNT Health Services Fee
  • CPS Cal Poly Scholar NTR

Then there were 2 loan options:

  • LN Fed Direct Subsidized Ln
  • LN Fed Direct Unsubsidized Ln

yea it lets me click view my financial aid and show aid year 2022 but there isn’t anything from EOP

I see, thank you. Mine currently looks like:

GRNT State Univ Grant Dream
GRNT Health Svs Fee Dream Grnt