Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

For those asking about Cal Poly Scholars, this is from their website:

“Cal Poly Scholars offers are part of the financial aid process. When you receive your financial aid package, typically between mid-March and late May, it may include a Cal Poly Scholars award. Be sure to check your email and the Cal Poly Portal regularly for notifications.”

Cal Poly Scholars responded to me & said Cal Poly Scholars are only selected at the time they are accepted into Cal Poly. If they were not selected upon their acceptance, they will not be considered again, nor after each year their FAFSA is renewed.

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I really appreciate you taking the time and reaching out!! It’s been super helpful

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was not just locals.


Slow news day again? :roll_eyes:


SLO news day again


Wish we would get some SLO news lol!!


NO news day again


nO dEtErmiNatiOn hAs BeEn MaDe


But I know damn well that decision has been made and the system is withholding the decision from me lol


Yeah I don’t get why they don’t just release them.

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Doesn’t make sense to me why they can’t just release them all at once.


does anyone have an idea of when next wave will be

does anyone know if they ever have released decisions over the weekend? if they don’t release over the weekend then we might get another wave tonight

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200 iq thinking

I saw on the freshman thread that a few rejections went out. I wonder if anything will be released for us today since they are in some sort of release process.

in that case i’m glad i haven’t heard anything today lol. definitely don’t want to get a rejection letter.

Apparently Freshman seem to be getting rejected now

so we should be getting accepted! at least that’s what I think should be happening


Hopefully another wave comes out with tons of green for everyone else today. Rooting for you all!

Also, if anyone else applied to UCR, another wave went out today.

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