Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I hope so too! And awesome! I got my UCR decision last week and I posted on the thread but I feel like not a lot of people are active on it lol! Hope you got good news :slight_smile:

Oh yeah for sure. I just checked out the thread and it was DEAD lol. Yep I got accepted! But tbh, having come after my Cal Poly acceptance, thereā€™s no excitement from me haha. This is my top choice school right behind Cal and UCLA, which are unlikely to happen. Applied anyways for the lulz.

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Congrats! and hey you never know lol. I applied to almost all the UCā€™s and I am very anxious for April to come. But for now the wait for Cal Poly is killing me haha

Thank you! True, I donā€™t have a great chance, but there is one. I would love to go to them. Not going to lie though, if I did get a lucky acceptance, it would be hard to turn down Cal Poly. My heart is kinda set on this place, but it would be much better for grad school admissions so I would take it.

But donā€™t worry, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get in. Didnā€™t you say you were 4.0 bio? Youā€™ll kill it and Iā€™ll see you on campus in the fall, I just know it! <3

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anyone admitted not get an email?

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Aw that was so nice, thank you I appreciate it! Not sure where Iā€™ll get in but I know Iā€™ll end up wherever Iā€™m supposed to be and I know you will too!


Iā€™m starting to think maybeee this just means rejection haha

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thereā€™s also waitlists ):

I just wanna know already so I can stop worrying about it!

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Donā€™t think that yet! Theyā€™ve only sent out one round of decisions!

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at least we know itā€™ll be out in the next 11 days


Does anyone know if they admit people during the weekend? Friend got admitted 2 days ago, I have a 3.83 non local and Iā€™m starting to get discouraged lol.


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@nman2021 - I donā€™t remember if they did or not last year because I was admitted on a Monday at the beginning of the week.

Look through last yearā€™s thread of this same title but 2020 & start at March 16th, then follow the different waves.

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Last years thread looks like people were accepted on the 16th and then a week later on the 23rd but I could be missing stuff.

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Gonna be honest, I donā€™t really see these waves of acceptances, just 1-2 days of acceptances and then waitlists and rejections. Like only 1 person said they were accepted on the 23rd for last yearā€™s thread but a bunch on the 16th.

Hopefully I at least get waitlisted :cry:

Yeah I honestly donā€™t know if there will be another wave of acceptances but the freshman thread had a few waves of acceptances so we can hope lol

thereā€™s gonna be another wave for sure probably two


how do you ?


So the email they send your acceptance to is the one you applied with right? Or is it the cal poly email?