Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Welp, guess the cycle continues next week… if there are any acceptances left, it’ll probably be by next Wednesday

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We should honestly make a discord server lolol

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SLO already has one. It is for engineering transfers, but all are welcome

I couldn’t handle that. Either let me in or don’t. If I get waitlisted, then im trying to plan going to SJSU and CalPoly hoping I can trash the SJSU plans.

just drove down to visit cal poly slo. Surroundings look like the Shire from lord of the rings. Has to be the best CSU campus. Student housing looks like luxury apartments haha. Got a few t shirts. Totally in love with the place. Only thing that might change my mind is if Berkeley miraculously gets a brain fart and accepts me.

I guess i’m gonna assume nothing is going to come out this weekend and actually try to get some studying done for my exam on Monday. Don’t get me wrong, I will most likely still be checking this thread often :joy:


Samee. I’ll also be studying… the updates of this thread.


Literally at this point, when I go to google it automatically asks me if I want to come to this page in my recommended. It’s always right tho hahaha

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Lmao my google past searches are pretty much all college confidential threads at this point.

is there actually a second wave?

No one knows anything for sure but a few people are pretty confident there will be at least one other wave of acceptances.

Does cp send an email notifying you were awarded scholar separate from the email that notifies you about your financial aid being finalized?

Directly from Cal Poly website:

When will students be notified about being part of the Cal Poly Scholars program?

Cal Poly Scholars offers are part of the financial aid process. When you receive your financial aid package, typically between mid-March and late May, it may include a Cal Poly Scholars award. Be sure to check your email and the Cal Poly Portal regularly for notifications.

I could have misinterpreted but I have been curious as well about this and I’m pretty sure I saw a freshman on another forum mention that they did get a separate email. Again I’m not sure if that’s 100% accurate as the website says differently but I did see someone say it was separate from their first financial aid email.

I just reviewed my old emails from last year.

Cal Poly’s financial aid office sent me a separate email to my personal email account 9 days after I was admitted telling me I was a Cal Poly Scholar.

I was admitted on March 16th & received their email on March 25th.

My email said:
Congratulations! You have been awarded a Cal Poly Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Please follow the steps below to access, view, and receive your scholarship:

  1. Log in to your MyCalPoly student portal and select the “Money Matters” tab.

  2. Click the “View My Financial Aid” link (located on the upper right corner under the “Financial Aid & Scholarships” link).

  3. Select “2021” to view your scholarship, and click on your scholarship’s name to open a message with more information about the scholarship and its requirements.

  4. Indicate if you “Accept/Decline” the scholarship.

We are here to help. If you have questions please reply to this email, call 805-756-2927, and/or visit the Financial Aid Office.

Cal Poly Financial Aid and Scholarship Office

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I should’ve added though that I already knew I was a Cal Poly Scholar on the day my financial aid came out because I could see it on my portal.

The email I received 9 days later was just telling me to go look at my portal which I had already done.

any one going to live in campus or off campus ?

Probably off campus because I don’t know if their housing is going to back for on campus. What about everyone else?

For those who haven’t received their admission decisions yet, lets hope they start another wave tomorrow.